It's a Wayalife!


New member
Just another great day that exemplifies our Wayalife!

Another awesome Daddy/Daughter day!

Finally had some nice weather today here in PA as we enjoyed the sunshine that brought the afternoon into the mid 50's! Started the morning out by watching Wild Wild West Part 2 with my daughter before taking the JK to church. Following church we dropped the Mrs. off and headed to Gander Mtn. There was an older Jeep there decked out in a wild camo paint job that had what seemed like an 8" lift! We joked about how she struggles to get in to our JK with our 3.5" lift and both agreed that she would need a step ladder for that rig. I confessed that I would need one too. We grabbed lunch before a quick stop back at the house to grab a few things for our trip to the State game lands outdoor shooting range. To my surprise, the range wasn't as busy as I expected and we were able to secure a bench as soon as we got there. I got her all set up and then watched as she diligently worked her bolt-action .22 Rascal. The gentleman next to us was very impressed and complimented us several times on her trigger pull, marksmanship and respect for the sport. We got to spend about an hour with her new rifle and then I got to spend a few minutes getting aquatinted with my new sub-compact which was everything I hoped it would be. We hopped back in the Jeep and headed home to have dinner as a family. On our way home, she had her window down and the cool wind in her face. When I asked if it was too cold, she said a little but that she didn't mind. She always seems to love having the window down when we are in the Jeep. We passed several Jeeps today and all exchanged waves. We ended the day by relaxing on the couch while, yup, watching Wild Wild West Part 2 again on the big screen. Someday, we agreed, we would take a Jeep road-trip to Lake Tahoe.

They can't all be this great, but when they are, they are special.

Hope you all had a great day too and thanks for taking the time to read about mine! :thumb:
Indeed! Now if I can just convince her to hit the trails with me... :)

Take her out and splash through some puddles, my little girl loves it, she's only 18 months old and asks for more everytime :) had her and my little guy out in the jeep all weekend. Sounds like you had a great day:)
Take her out and splash through some puddles, my little girl loves it, she's only 18 months old and asks for more everytime :) had her and my little guy out in the jeep all weekend. Sounds like you had a great day:)

That's awesome that you are starting them little! We've done some light trails together that she really enjoyed, I guess she's just convinced that when I go to Rausch Creek it must be more like the JKX!

Lol baby steps.
That's awesome that you are starting them little! We've done some light trails together that she really enjoyed, I guess she's just convinced that when I go to Rausch Creek it must be more like the JKX!

Lol baby steps.

Yeah I don't do anything to crazy when she's with me, but the crazier it gets the more she seems to enjoy it lol. Oh we also started are day today watching part two.
Where in PA are you? I waved at a red jku this evening that had what looked like a father daughter combo in it haha
Ah yeah im in NEPA, the area you were describing sounds exactly like the Scranton Wilkes-Barre area though. Always good to see a father and daughter bond like that!
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