Is there anyone here with LPG system?


New member
I'm thinking about doing conversion.
Any problems with it? are you happy / not happy with it?

I remember a number of years ago there were a few threads on the pirate 4x4 forums about converting their rigs to propane. I think a couple of the people there also started selling kits.

The disadvantages I read had mostly to do with how and where to mount the tank(s), carrying extra, less power, less range, and the idea of having an explosive bottle along for the ride. Cold weather running was also a problem.

All of the rigs I saw converted had carburetors to start with, running propane would allow them to run much better in any position since the float in the carb is no longer an issue. Which if you have ever tried to wheel a carborated rig you'd understand the advantage. :) This becomes moot though if talking about converting a fuel injected rig.
What he said. Propane was a big deal with old CJ's and for the reasons noted but for a JK, I don't know if it would be worth the trouble.
I remember a number of years ago there were a few threads on the pirate 4x4 forums about converting their rigs to propane. I think a couple of the people there also started selling kits.

The disadvantages I read had mostly to do with how and where to mount the tank(s), carrying extra, less power, less range, and the idea of having an explosive bottle along for the ride. Cold weather running was also a problem.

All of the rigs I saw converted had carburetors to start with, running propane would allow them to run much better in any position since the float in the carb is no longer an issue. Which if you have ever tried to wheel a carborated rig you'd understand the advantage. :) This becomes moot though if talking about converting a fuel injected rig.

Today the systems are very Hi-tach.
For the tank mount issue- you have alot of options for the tank's shape- so it's not so big deal.
For the less range problem- you add it to the fuel tank not instead of.. today the system know by itself when the weather is cold to run buy fuel and only after mins its switch to lpg.
why not? with the price of propane it's saving you 50% cost..

Allow me to elaborate, it isn't something that would be worth it to me especially being that I wheel in areas where it's hard enough to just find gas. If it's worth it to you, by all means, knock yourself out and post up pics.
why not? with the price of propane it's saving you 50% cost..

When I ran an Early Bronco, I seriously considered it. After raising the vent tube on the carb, adjusting the float, switching from Holley to Edlebrock , nothing would cancel out the stalls on rocky hill climbs and off camber situations. But for me it wasn't really about the savings. After having spent thousands on building the rig, cost really wasn't in the picture. I wound up converting (with a lot of help) to a mustang 5.0 fuel injection system instead, which accomplished what I wanted and I didn't need to run a fuel that nobody else on the trail would be running.

Also the availability of propane is somewhat limited. Most places, at least in my area, that can fill propane are not open 24/7 or do not have the staff who know how to fill a bottle 24/7.

Like any modification, it's all personal choice directed by personal experience and input from others. I would be curious to see a propane conversion on a JK. It's always fun to see what others are doing, especially if it is something different. I dig the technical write ups and can appreciate the work even if it is something I never will do.

Do you already have a kit you are looking or will you be doing this by yourself? Like mentioned above, I am curious.
This would be fun to see!! I almost did it on my 1995 dodge 2500 tow rig.. I loved that truck, but the injectors started going out and I was getting like 7mpg! If I had done the conversion I wouldn't have needed to replace the injectors ($1000)..

The main reason I didn't do it was the idea of riding around on a bomb... (I was going to put a giant tank in the bed to help with my range)

And the other main reason was just a fear of not being able to road trip etc..

I would love to see this on a jk!! The twin fuel option you are describing sounds really cool, and would solve a lot of the problems I was thinking of..

Good luck with your decision!

My ride- 2001 power wheel, 11" plastic tires, upgraded battery, boat sides, custom bumpers, tow hooks, new paint.
When I ran an Early Bronco, I seriously considered it. After raising the vent tube on the carb, adjusting the float, switching from Holley to Edlebrock , nothing would cancel out the stalls on rocky hill climbs and off camber situations. But for me it wasn't really about the savings. After having spent thousands on building the rig, cost really wasn't in the picture. I wound up converting (with a lot of help) to a mustang 5.0 fuel injection system instead, which accomplished what I wanted and I didn't need to run a fuel that nobody else on the trail would be running.

Also the availability of propane is somewhat limited. Most places, at least in my area, that can fill propane are not open 24/7 or do not have the staff who know how to fill a bottle 24/7.

Like any modification, it's all personal choice directed by personal experience and input from others. I would be curious to see a propane conversion on a JK. It's always fun to see what others are doing, especially if it is something different. I dig the technical write ups and can appreciate the work even if it is something I never will do.

Do you already have a kit you are looking or will you be doing this by yourself? Like mentioned above, I am curious.

I dont have a kit, i'm consider it in these days.
As for the work- i'll let qualified installer do the installation.
i promise to upload pics and short write up if it goes out!
if you're looking for alternate fuels take a look at CNG the tank is the biggest obstacle but the kits for the switch from gas to CNG are really advanced, I've ridden in cars that have this and you can't tell when you switch from one to the other.I investigated to get it for my JK but like I said the biggest obstacle was the tank
I think the tanks are pretty safe . You are probably interested in it for the savings over gas as propane is cheap . Propane is easy to get around here . From what I have heard is that it gives 25 to 30 % less power than gas . It does burn 100 % clean and leaves your engine clean . It does have a problem with cold weather and I have seen heaters on them . I would only consider it for a trail rig that had a carb. I wanted to get rid of . I know of one company called got propane .
The forklift my boss has is propane powered and in -15 it starts faster then my plugged in truck...

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I had an old s-10 that ran on propane. It had no power and it was a pain to get propane. Especially late at night. Some places wouldn't fill the tank. It might be good for a extreme buggy but not to drive everyday. I think it's still parked in the back 40 at my parents house. I did rig a BBQ up to it. And it made me quit smoking cause I could smell propane sometimes.
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