
Alright so ill be traveling to Indiana this Wednesday for my job. Will be staying around the Columbus area and will be there 12 days for now. Maybe less. Anyone want to maybe take me out on the trails if there is anything around that area. I'm flying in of course and will have a rental but I've decided that anywhere I go for my job for training I'm going to try and meet some fellow jeepers and see what they can show me. Ill really only have an opportunity towards the end of my travel which is around the 17th for now give or take. Can be a little more specific once I get there and find out exactly what I'll be doing and my work schedule.
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Lol. No ill make this a little less creepy I guess I have opsec to worry about and dont like to put out too mich info. I'm in the Army and 27. So as you can imagine I travel quite a bit.
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Southern Indiana should have something nice, it's a lot more scenic than northern Indiana for sure.
Alright so people were nice in Indiana towards military just not jeepers to jeepers I guess. No big deal cause honestly there not a whole lot in Indiana except corn and children of the corn. Lol. It was flatter than I hoped I almost felt like I was just in Louisiana. Had a good time at the state fair though.
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