Increased Rolling resistance after trans/diff/transfer fluid change?


New member
So I recently did a trans, transfer, and diff fluid change on my 2014 JKU Rubi. My butt dyno seems to think the Jeep’s rolling resistance has increased. For example when in gear (D or R) it feels like it takes more gas to begin moving. It almost feels like the p brake is engaged but no sounds, smells, or other signs of that. Would fluid levels (low or high) cause that, or is there anything I could have messed up while in there. I did drop and replace the pan and filter (w5a580), PITA! The transmission seems to shift just fine and there are no other indications, it was my first time doing any of the fluid changes myself and want to make sure I didn’t F things up somehow.

2014 JKU Rubicon, 3.73 gears, 2.5” lift, 35” tires.

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Did you make sure the filter was 100% seated and there was no sleeves or orings that didn't accidentally get left out or doubled up? I can't remember if the JK has one or not.
Did you make sure the filter was 100% seated and there was no sleeves or orings that didn't accidentally get left out or doubled up? I can't remember if the JK has one or not.

I recall pushing the filter until it was seated but to be sure it was 100% seated I couldn’t say I have enough experience. As far as o-rings, I don’t think the new filter came with one but could feel it seat like there was one inside the transmission ( I did “fondle”the hole so to speak, but nothing felt like it could or should be removed). The Jeep shifts just fine, it just feels like it takes more gas to start rolling. If I take my foot off the brake while in gear, it will stay still until gassed. I could just be overly sensitive and looking for problems. The overall project was straight forward (beside removing the pan)

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