Important!!!! New offroaders please review for your own safety.


Caught the Bug
Eddie if this in apporpriate post please let me know, but I think it is very important and could save someone's life. Especially, since someone has already lost their life here in Arizona with his wife and kids in the car at the time. This was a a situation that started with good intentions of helping someone that turned deadly.

There is another post on this. Dude is an idiot.

Edit: correction, was an idiot.
Do not disagree with you, but I have seen a lot of people that are generally not offraoders, just weekend adventurers trying to help people out of flooded areas here in Arizona. My road to my house constantly gets washed out. it is a paved road but during the rains rivers will form and go across the road and create massive sand bars. Everytime you see two things, first you can literally watch cars speed through the rushing water across the road and the water will splash up and hydro lock their motor. Second, is people going through these areas and getting stuck in the sand bars and other people tring to pull them out using this method. It is crazy.
Also, did not realize there was another thread, been traveling for DoD for the past few weeks. Just got back and this was local news and someone in one of our Jeep clubs Sent me the link.
There is another post on this. Dude is an idiot.

Edit: correction, was an idiot.
There is another post on this. Dude is an idiot.

Edit: correction, was an idiot.
You weren’t there. Neither was I. But, it wasn’t the dead guy that decided to attempt a kinetic recovery (using chains and a recovery strap connected to a drop hitch). It was the guy who stopped to help who made that choice.
You weren’t there. Neither was I. But, it wasn’t the dead guy that decided to attempt a kinetic recovery (using chains and a recovery strap connected to a drop hitch). It was the guy who stopped to help who made that choice.
I’m not sure that is the case. That’s a pretty big assumption for someone who wasn’t there like yourself. No matter who’s decision it was this idiot let someone else do it to his vehicle as he was sitting in the driver seat. He was involved.
I’m not sure that is the case. That’s a pretty big assumption for someone who wasn’t there like yourself. No matter who’s decision it was this idiot let someone else do it to his vehicle as he was sitting in the driver seat. He was involved.

From the article I read it wasn't some random passerby that stopped to help, it was the guys buddy he called for help. Collaborative decisions and efforts combined with disregard for safety resulted in death... the deceased and the the other guy are equally at fault.
I’m not sure that is the case. That’s a pretty big assumption for someone who wasn’t there like yourself. No matter who’s decision it was this idiot let someone else do it to his vehicle as he was sitting in the driver seat. He was involved.
Are you willing to tell the widow and children to their face their husband and father was an idiot?

After driving 1500 miles to deliver the effects of a dead pilot, who flew an airplane I maintained into the side of a mountain at 300 knots, to his widow and son- I have a different view.

You weren’t there. Neither was I. None of us were. Regardless of culpability, there’s no call to be calling anyone an idiot. The lives of at least two families were destroyed in a single moment.

You know what the difference between you- in fact ALL of us- and the deceased? We have the luxury of looking back on our misadventures and think “I made bad choices!”
Are you willing to tell the widow and children to their face their husband and father was an idiot?

After driving 1500 miles to deliver the effects of a dead pilot, who flew an airplane I maintained into the side of a mountain at 300 knots, to his widow and son- I have a different view.

You weren’t there. Neither was I. None of us were. Regardless of culpability, there’s no call to be calling anyone an idiot. The lives of at least two families were destroyed in a single moment.

You know what the difference between you- in fact ALL of us- and the deceased? We have the luxury of looking back on our misadventures and think “I made bad choices!”
I’ll call a spade a spade, sounds like you won’t.
Are you willing to tell the widow and children to their face their husband and father was an idiot?

After driving 1500 miles to deliver the effects of a dead pilot, who flew an airplane I maintained into the side of a mountain at 300 knots, to his widow and son- I have a different view.

You weren’t there. Neither was I. None of us were. Regardless of culpability, there’s no call to be calling anyone an idiot. The lives of at least two families were destroyed in a single moment.

You know what the difference between you- in fact ALL of us- and the deceased? We have the luxury of looking back on our misadventures and think “I made bad choices!”
If that was Overlander's Father, Brother or Son... pretty sure he'd call them an Idiot too... don't let it bother you.

I shared this story a few days ago primarily to reduce the chance one of the forum members makes the same stupid mistake, and so Overlander wont need to call them an idiot when they get hurt. Although being blunt, obtuse, direct, forward or whatever name you want to give it is less palatable, the truth needs to be stated out loud sometimes.

It was down right idiotic to attempt a kinetic recovery of a 1 ton truck with a tow strap and drop hitch. Even stupider to do it with the wife and kids in the car.
It’s the name calling I object to. This is a public forum and though the chance may be slim, the surviving family could become aware of this discussion.

@OverlanderJK, @CalSgt, show us what should have been done differently. What equipment and techniques should have been used. How would you have handled the situation. Help us out.
It’s the name calling I object to. This is a public forum and though the chance may be slim, the surviving family could become aware of this discussion.

@OverlanderJK, @CalSgt, show us what should have been done differently. What equipment and techniques should have been used. How would you have handled the situation. Help us out.
I’m not gonna sugar it when someone does something dumb. Play stupid games win stupid prizes. You have too many feelings.

As a native of Arizona most of us know monsoon season brings flash floods and dry roads and washes turn into shit quickly even if it’s not raining where you are. Last year an idiot tried to cross a running wash and his kids were washed away and drowned. This is sad that this happened I do feel bad for those left behind. But people die every day weather it be natural causes or accident shit happens. I’m sure most if not all of us have done things that you say holy shit that was close or damn we got lucky.
It’s the name calling I object to. This is a public forum and though the chance may be slim, the surviving family could become aware of this discussion.

@OverlanderJK, @CalSgt, show us what should have been done differently. What equipment and techniques should have been used. How would you have handled the situation. Help us out.
There's plenty of youtube recovery guru's picking apart this incident including what went wrong and how it can be avoided on their for profit channels including the one you linked. While I haven't heard any of them call these guys idiots, they are using it to bring attention to themselves and their social media careers. Thats more offensive than simply stating their decisions were idiotic, anyone that makes poor decisions resulting in death of themself or others is an idiot...
I’m not gonna sugar it when someone does something dumb. Play stupid games win stupid prizes. You have too many feelings.
I have your measure

There's plenty of youtube recovery guru's picking apart this incident including what went wrong and how it can be avoided on their for profit channels including the one you linked. While I haven't heard any of them call these guys idiots, they are using it to bring attention to themselves and their social media careers. Thats more offensive than simply stating their decisions were idiotic, anyone that makes poor decisions resulting in death of themself or others is an idiot...
I posted no links
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