I'm Just Here to Pimp Myself

average joe

New member
Hey guys FYI I will be at SEMA as well but I mostly do videos. I will be posting all my 4x4 vids on my youtube channel if anyone is interested. Im sure you will find my channel fairly easy when you do a youtube search for SEMA 2014 but if you want direct access just PM me. Enjoy Woo Hoo I can't wait!!!:rock:

See ya there Eddie!

Really? This is how you make your very first post on my forum, to pimp the YouTube videos that you will be taking at SEMA??
If it's all the same to you, go start your own forum and pimp all you want there. :naw:
WOW the :asshat: are out in force this month. Must have something to do with Global Warming or Solar Flares.

Edit: He might be there for the Dodge Ball competition. :cheesy:
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