I'm doing brake bleeding now


New member
And when my friend push the brake padal, the fluid comes out consistently..

Already i filled up the bleeding kit bottle one time..

So is it normal? Do i have to push and release brake pedal till see the bubble ?
Yes the fluid will come out as long as he's pushing the pedal and you have it open. Be sure to close it before pedal goes to the floor. Make sure you don't run the master dry.

You may not see a bubble. You only need to push enough fluid through to replace the line with new fluid.
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Keep checking the master cylinder to make sure you don't run it low on brake fluid.

I just finished my brake job.. And the pedal is not as firm as before...

Shouldn't be firmer than before??

Do i have to get some time to be firmed?
if the pedal is soft, it means there is probably air in the line still. you should continue to bleed them to ensure that all of the air is out of the line. just make sure there is the proper level of fluid in the res. before you continue.
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