If you were working in Cupertino, CA, where would you live?


There is a slight possibility of a family member going to work in Cupertino, CA. If you were doing the same, what area would you recommend living in?
I have lived around that area it depends, what are they looking for? Family communities are pretty much everywhere. If they havnt seen the prices of homes in that area before they might be in for a shock. Los Altos, Los Gatos, Saratoga are all very nice and very expensive. Mountain View and Sunnyvale are a little more "affordable" and have younger family crowds. The whole peninsula is a beautiful place (except east palo alto) if you can afford it. otherwise you can commute from fremot or other east bay cities.
Not looking for "cheap" but reasonably priced would be nice and safe. Renting at first, maybe buying in a year or so. Wondering how much difference there is between Seattle and Cupertino in regards to housing. Right now their commute is about 20 minutes in off hours, but about 90 minutes during "rush" hour. Could the same be expected there?
Not looking for "cheap" but reasonably priced would be nice and safe. Renting at first, maybe buying in a year or so. Wondering how much difference there is between Seattle and Cupertino in regards to housing. Right now their commute is about 20 minutes in off hours, but about 90 minutes during "rush" hour. Could the same be expected there?

Yea the commute is pretty brutal here in this area. I work in Sunnyvale and the home/ townhouse prices are skyrocketing now in the whole bay area. A 3 bed 2.5 bath town house is in the $800k range in sunnyvale.
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