Hydro assist.


New member
We are having a hard time turning! PSC, 40 Nittos, Detroit. I know that is already tuff to steer, was just wondering if their some other things I should check.
Sounds like you may have something in a bind. I'm running the exact same setup, but with an ARB locker and I can turn with on finger on the wheel.
Everything looks normal, I'm wondering if pump is not working right. When you say turns on a dime, is that when your locked also.
It's has a dodge motor with factory pump. That's where I was thinking I might be having the problem. Everything was fine for the first few months.
I figured I would call them Monday , was just looking for some Imput . Thanks for the replies..
My guess would also be the pump. My steering used to do weird stuff prior to the hi flow pump,,, then,, all fixed with the pump. Good luck!:thumb:
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