HOW TO FIX:Ripped out wire to connect Sway bar disconnect and front locker on Rubicon



I'm an idiot when it comes to electrical! So when this stupid wire got ripped out of the connector of my 2011 Rubicon Unlimited by a sneaky bastard of a stick when wheeling this weekend, it left me in a pickle.

The wire you see in the pic connects into a plastic connector, you know, those stupid things with the red tabs that never slide open. The wire after the connector then splits into a Y, one line goes to the sway bar disconnect motor and the other goes to the front diff to engage/disengage the locker.

So does anyone know how to fix this? Can I simply stick/snap this wire back into the connector?


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Actually, you're super lucky that the whole thing got pulled out - this as opposed to the wires getting severed at the terminals like I've had happened to me. You should be able to remove the plastic plug from the back of the diff housing and if I recall, you should be able to open it up. Either way, you can just push those connectors back into the plug housing. You may want to test which wire goes to where first though. With the plug removed, you should be able to connect the terminals to the prongs on the housing and then test your lockers. If it doesn't work, switch the wires around and try again.
With the plug removed, you should be able to connect the terminals to the prongs on the housing and then test your lockers. If it doesn't work, switch the wires around and try again.

The locker isn't polarity specific, so you can put positive/ground on either side :)
Actually, you're super lucky that the whole thing got pulled out - this as opposed to the wires getting severed at the terminals like I've had happened to me. You should be able to remove the plastic plug from the back of the diff housing and if I recall, you should be able to open it up. Either way, you can just push those connectors back into the plug housing. You may want to test which wire goes to where first though. With the plug removed, you should be able to connect the terminals to the prongs on the housing and then test your lockers. If it doesn't work, switch the wires around and try again.
This was going to be my suggestion as well seeing that it looked like the wires were not torn.

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Dude I’ve never seen anyone that lucky to pop the pins out of a weatherpack instead of snapping them off. Even looks like the tabs are still there to hold it in the connector. Pull on the plastic next time never the wire.

Here’s a generic how to. Yours will likely have the style with the colored piece at the front of the connector where the pins touch that needs to be popped off first.

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that was your lucky day!

as others have mentioned, it'susually a couple of bare wires left dangling.
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