Honeymoon Trail


New member
Well this year is the year I tie the knot. I thought it only fitting if for our honeymoon we take a nice trip down the honeymoon trail into the grand canyon. I haven't been to the grand canyon since I was a kid and my fiancé hasn't been either so we agreed it would be awesome. So far with all the "vast research" I have been doing I can't seem to find out where it starts or any maps online for it. So I figured I would reach out to all you experienced wayalifers to help. Any books I should pick up that would have the trail layout. Any suggestions of which route to take, which places to stop at on the way, or any help at all is greatly appreciated. Thanks!!

Your rig will be fine. We were planning to do it earlier this week but decided against it and played more on the rocks.

I am not too worried about my rig. But I will be breaking a cardinal rule and doing it alone.... So I just wanted to make sure. Would love to hit up some of the real fun stuff while I am out there.Just don't want to be stranded.
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