Holy Post Apocalyptic Coil Over Mad Max Fury Road Rat Rods!!


Staff member
What can I say, I'm a big fan of the original Mad Max and Road Warrior movies (Thunder Dome - eh, not so much). While I seriously doubt this 4th installment in the franchise will be any good, I am interested in the crazy vehicles they come up for it and, here are a few spy shots of what I've been able to find. Check out the post apocalyptic coil overs on this first one :shock:

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Here are some shots of a few other vehicles...




UPDATED 12/10/14
Just saw the trailer for this and man, I think I really want to see this:
I didnt even realize they were making a new mad max. This time gibbson realy is mad lol. Crazy looking rigs. should be interesting just for the those.
I didnt even realize they were making a new mad max. This time gibbson realy is mad lol. Crazy looking rigs. should be interesting just for the those.

Mel isn't going to be in this one. He was originally signed up to do the movie but, after it got put on hold after 911, he lost interest. That and he's a bit too old for the part now. Kind of a shame.
Those are some pretty sick vehicles.

Always loved the big rig in the original. This ones even cooler.
While I seriously doubt this 4th installment in the franchise will be any good, I am interested in the crazy vehicles they come up for it and, here are a few spy shots of what I've been able to find. Check out the post apocalyptic coil overs on this first one :shock:

Oh hell yeah!!! :rock:

Are they filming in the USA?

What can I say, I'm a big fan of the original Mad Max and Road Warrior movies (Thunder Dome - eh, not so much).

Oh don't act like you didn't have a thing for Aunty Entity (aka Tina Turner) in that movie. :crazyeyes:
That's great!!
Wouldn't it be so cool to run into that crowd of those tanks out in the Mohave desert in the middle of no where.
Good find Eddie.

Seriously! Like why wouldn't you run the exhaust and muffler down where the passenger side door should be?
Seriously! Like why wouldn't you run the exhaust and muffler down where the passenger side door should be?

Its a go fast thing brother...varooom...varooom!:rock: Thats a trophy truck without its skin.
Holy Crap! Was that a Cadillac humpin another Cadillac?:cheesy::cheesy: that's some CRAZY BADDASS RIGGS!:beer:
Yup, all the vehicles will definitely steal the show! :thumb: What a great collection of photos! Thanks for sharing...
Yeah Big fan of those movies for sure! Those vehicles are pretty sweet. It would be awesome to be able to help build those and get to work on them. Honestly the Road Warrior was my favorite!

I bet the spiked ones get real messy as more people get stuck on them. :shock: :icon_crazy:
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