Hobby or liability?


Active Member
When does wrenching on other people's jeeps become a legal liability? I love to wrench and I also love to help people. When I do things for other people I don't charge them, sometimes if I need a part I'll have them order it with their parts for "payment" but I've done some drag link flips and always tell people to come back in 500 miles or so and I'd check everything. Nobody ever comes back. Any ideas or thoughts?

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When does wrenching on other people's jeeps become a legal liability? I love to wrench and I also love to help people...[/url]

It's a good question. I'll be interested to see what any legal minds or license mechanics have to say. I would expect though, that as soon as you accept any form of payment, you've likely opened yourself up for a bunch of grief if you're not licensed.

Me, I avoid significant hands-on unless its someone I know really well.

Plain and simple, keep money or ANY form of payment out of the equation and it's a hobby.
I usually only help people I know well or really get a feel for them. Also if there's anything that may be a potential liability that I see or is related to the work I do, I will fully explain everything to that person and make sure that they know that it is their responsibility to keep an eye on it.
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