Hey From North Dakota


New member
Hey everyone, I am new to the JK but not new to Jeep. I had a 03 Wrangler X before this one, I loved it. About 18 months ago I had Lost my mind, became stupid, and traded my TJ in for a 2012 Chevy Sonic, did it for gas mileage. Ever since I done that I missed my TJ badly. I started looking for another TJ a while back but up north here they are hard to come by that is in decent shape and a decent price. I had many dealers looking for me and one called me on this 2010 JK. I told them that it was to new and wanted something older but decided to go take it for a test drive anyway. I fell in love the 1st half a block driving away from the dealership. Got back and said lets do it and then drove home in my New to me 2010 JK sport. It has a soft top so hopefully I won't be regretting it once winter hits. I do keep it in the garage at night anyway. Its an automatic which is what I wanted and It has AC, One thing my TJ never had but wished it did, it also only has 32000 miles on it. My mods are going to be slow, I plan on buying tinted window panels for the soft top, Goodyear silent armors, Maybe a small lift and a locker for the front. The eastern part of North Dakota is mostly flat farm land but I do photography as a hobby and I drive around the country looking for old abandon farms and home, Most of them have long driveways that i'll be able to just drive right up for my photos. Anyway here's a pic of my JK, Its totally stock right now but I still think its great. :standing wave:

JK-1 by scotiez, on Flickr
Welcome to WayALife from a Fighting Sioux alum!

Thanks. I wish we could still call them the Fighting Sioux :sigh: 1st year ever our hockey team does not have a fighting Sioux logo on their jersey. I guess they want to wait till 2015 or something like that before they come up with a new nick name and logo.
Thank all of you for the warm welcome that I have received from this Forum. I belong to several forums and I have to say this one is the most informative, and friendly from all that I have read in other threads. I have a feeling I will be using this forum a lot when I do something to my JK. All the service write ups are so good, No need to buy a service manual when I have this. Great job to all of you. I am going to have to order myself a wayalife sticker for my JK so everyone can see that I am a member. :thumb:
Thanks. I wish we could still call them the Fighting Sioux :sigh: 1st year ever our hockey team does not have a fighting Sioux logo on their jersey. I guess they want to wait till 2015 or something like that before they come up with a new nick name and logo.

Yeah, it's a sad day when UND will no longer be the "Fighting Sioux". As a unique twist, I'm now down in Las Vegas and work closely with a number of folks from Ralph Engelstad's family, you know he's turning over in his grave.
Yeah, it's a sad day when UND will no longer be the "Fighting Sioux". As a unique twist, I'm now down in Las Vegas and work closely with a number of folks from Ralph Engelstad's family, you know he's turning over in his grave.

Yup I know. Ralph once said that if they ever changed the name he would tear down that 100+ million dollar arena he built. I have no doubt that he would do it too. I know the Engelstad estate still owns the arena. But they went ahead and removed all the logos that they could. I believe they left the carpet and the granite floor for now.
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