HELP SAVE the Short Branch Saloon - Miss Kathy's Ghost Town Watering Hole


Staff member
For those of you who don't know, Cindy and I love to explore the endless miles of dusty trails that can be found in the State of Nevada. And, whenever possible, we always make it a point to imbibe in all the wonderful saloons that you can still find in many of its fading ghost towns. Without question, one of our favorites has always been Miss Kathy's Short Branch Saloon in Crystal, Nevada and specifically because of her.

Years ago, when we first stepped into this fine establishment, we ordered drinks and Miss Kathy's mouthwatering meatloaf sandwich and when it came time to pay, we soon found out that she only accepted cash. Being that we only had credit cards and not a dime on us, she told us with a big smile that it wasn't a problem and that she knew we would pay her on our next visit. Without question, her enthusiastic smile, big heart and genuine blind trust in us... just blew us away. The following link tells tells the whole story of what happened.

With all that said, Cindy and I were planning to stop by again when we learned that it had burned down back on January 17, 2022. As you can imagine, this absolutely broke our hearts. Fortunately, we also learned that this 70 year young of a gal is wanting to rebuild and a fellow enthusiast setup a GoFundMe page for her. I should note, she is only looking to make what is needed to open up again and that is only $10,000.

If you would like to help Miss Kathy and hope to drink and dine at her fine establishment in the future, we'd be grateful if you could click on the link below and help make that possible. Thank you.

Here's a couple of shots of Miss Kathy's Short Branch Saloon from one of our visits during a WAYALIFE Whiskey Wanderlust.


And here's a shot of it burning back in January 2022.

Last I checked, she was 3/4 of the way to her goal and any little bit you can contribute would be much appreciated.

Thank you,
Eddie & Cindy
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WOW that is absolutely devastating and sad to see. With this community, I'm sure we can help reach her goal. I want to have one of these meatloaf sandwiches so we need to make this happen!
Thank you. We really do appreciate it and hope we can dine and drink at her establishment again soon. (y)
I edited my first post to include the following link but here it is again, just in case it was missed. This is the post I made back in 2017 about our very first visit with Miss Kathy.

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