Help please


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Installed the arb twin compressor the other day but didn't hook up the wires that go to ignition.... Did that just a little while ago and it worke for a little bit... Now that wire doesn't get any power from the battery...ImageUploadedByWAYALIFE1395442100.693817.jpg the pink and yellow wire was what I used for ignition.... And now it doesn't get any power.... What was that wire for and what did I just fuck up???

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Figured out what it was... Now the cab lights, e-disco and locker switches don't work.......

Sent via carrier pigeon
Sorry, I'm trying to figure out exactly what you mean. Is the pink wire what you tapped for the power to the ARB switch harness? Instead of tapping the 12 volt accessory outlet?
Sorry, I'm trying to figure out exactly what you mean. Is the pink wire what you tapped for the power to the ARB switch harness? Instead of tapping the 12 volt accessory outlet?

The pink wire is what i taped into as that's what I was told to use by a friend.... I am a novice at wiring... Don't have a clue as to what I did.... Didn't know I can use the 12v accessory outlet... Also, never wiring shit again, its clearly not my thing.
The pink wire is what i taped into as that's what I was told to use by a friend.... I am a novice at wiring... Don't have a clue as to what I did.... Didn't know I can use the 12v accessory outlet... Also, never wiring shit again, its clearly not my thing.

:cheesy: I'm not laughing at you...I feel your pain. Let's take this one step at a time. I assume you are using the harness supplied by ARB, correct?

Assuming that is the case, did you follow the directions for the main fused power off of the battery and to the ARB Relay? I figure this is what you did, and then you just followed your friend's "advice" and tapped the pink wire to act as the power wire for the ARB switch. Again, assuming you have the ARB harness, it draws power in the cab from a power source so it can light the lights on three separate switches (Compressor, Front Locker, Rear Locker.) The ARB directions (at least the last time I looked at them) suggest tapping into the power wire going to the 12 volt accessory outlet. That power source has no problem lighting up multiple switches without blowing a fuse.

So, assuming what you did is tap some other wire to act as the switch wire, you may just be blowing a fuse. I don't know of the top of my head what that pink wire is. Hopefully someone else can chime in. If what you did is tap that pink wire to act as the power for the ARB relay then I you need to uninstall and start over.
:cheesy: I'm not laughing at you...I feel your pain. Let's take this one step at a time. I assume you are using the harness supplied by ARB, correct?

Assuming that is the case, did you follow the directions for the main fused power off of the battery and to the ARB Relay? I figure this is what you did, and then you just followed your friend's "advice" and tapped the pink wire to act as the power wire for the ARB switch. Again, assuming you have the ARB harness, it draws power in the cab from a power source so it can light the lights on three separate switches (Compressor, Front Locker, Rear Locker.) The ARB directions (at least the last time I looked at them) suggest tapping into the power wire going to the 12 volt accessory outlet. That power source has no problem lighting up multiple switches without blowing a fuse.

So, assuming what you did is tap some other wire to act as the switch wire, you may just be blowing a fuse. I don't know of the top of my head what that pink wire is. Hopefully someone else can chime in. If what you did is tap that pink wire to act as the power for the ARB relay then I you need to uninstall and start over.

Its alright you can laugh at me as I am right now. Gonna use the 12v accessory. Thanks sharkey. And yea blown fuse lol.
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Just noticed you have a 2013 Rubicon. Does it look like the wires from that white harness (on the side of your dash) run to the sway bar disconnect and locker buttons above your speaker? If that is the case, I wouldn't suggest using them as the power source for anything else. Those OEM switches are like a little circuit board and I have no idea if tapping them is ok. It may very well be that tapping them could cause issues.

If it were me, I would undo the tap into the pink wire, make sure that the pink wire is intact (sometimes it won't be depending on how you connected), and then tap the 12 volt accessory outlet for your switch power source. I'd then check all of the fuses.

Someone with more 2012+ experience and electrically knowhow will hopefully chime in, but I would NOT mess with the OEM switch wires for the disconnect/locker circuit board.
Anyone, found a break in this springter weather we are having to try and give it another shot as to getting this thing to actually work...any know what wires and where they are that I should use to power the switches? I am ordering a pr44 with arb locker so I need this damn thing to work lol.
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