Dune Crawler
New member
I'm having trouble taking a bolt off (even with a drill). Any ideas on what I could do?
I'm having trouble taking a bolt off (even with a drill). Any ideas on what I could do?
use some winter green oil on it. If you are having trouble getting the socket to grip use some milk of magneseum on it. I know it sounds goofy but it works. I use this all the time getting bolts and screws that are heated to over 1100* F on Naval aircraft.
Thanks for the info I'll try using some oil on it. The steering wheel bolt is what's giving me so much trouble and headache View attachment 64458
Never heard that one but I am certainly intrigued. Do you just brush it on the sides of the bolt head and let it dry, then put a socket on it?
Use it like you would WD-40. Let it sit and then put a socket on it. Works like a champ and even clears your sinuses.
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