Help a guy out ?

The BAD Influence

Active Member
A local off road club just posted a picture and request for help. Their two wheel drive truck is stuck and need help. Their location is in a very rural area. Some guys have answered the call and are heading out to the rescue.
All I can think is 1) know your rig and it's capability 2) never go alone.
We've all done it, and from the looks of things these guys are ok. They're in snow, but it's a warm day, and the Calvary will be there well before dark, and looks to be a pretty easy rescue. However, things can go bad quickly. Remember to practice off roading safely, for your benefit as well as for those that may need to bail your ass out.
A local off road club just posted a picture and request for help. Their two wheel drive truck is stuck and need help. Their location is in a very rural area. Some guys have answered the call and are heading out to the rescue.
All I can think is 1) know your rig and it's capability 2) never go alone.
We've all done it, and from the looks of things these guys are ok. They're in snow, but it's a warm day, and the Calvary will be there well before dark, and looks to be a pretty easy rescue. However, things can go bad quickly. Remember to practice off roading safely, for your benefit as well as for those that may need to bail your ass out.

I regularly get asked to pull friends out when it is snowing. Had one on Saturday, was 50+ degrees in Denver with a chance of rain in the afternoon. They went up to to play a round of disc golf up in the mountains. It started snowing and they slid in to a ditch on a steep dirt off the beaten path in a fwd Chevy Malibu, so they called me to pull them out. They gave me beer money for my trouble, I still made it down to a brewery on the other side of town to meet up with some Wayalifers.
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