hello from south texes!


New member
Hello everyone! I'm josh and about a month ago I just got a 2013 commando green 2 door jk, I came from the dark side a 08 tacoma 4x4 on 35" tg. I'm not new to jeeps as I have/ had a 82 cj7. It's now my dad's project. I still can't believe how far the wranglers have came. It's good to be back in a jeep. But anyway I just wanted to say hello to everyone.
I've seen you around town! I work down here. I stay on 65 east of crystal city. (Triple R) So are you from down here or an oilfield transplant like me?
Thank you selnet.
@ Dillard09 lol I didn't think my jeep stood out mostly stock....
I'm right off hwy 83 going towards Laredo by jet specialty. Nah bud I'm a local been here over 15 years. My bro in law used to stay in that same park. But that was over a year ago. I have not seen your jeep around? But then again I'm always working.
Yeah but I notice jeeps when I see them and there are not to many around Carrizo. I dont drive my jeep down here. I leave that in Cali. I have to drive my work truck. It's terrible! It's a '13 Raptor!
Damn that's along way home.... you ready to mud it? Some nasty ass weather we are having. Damn I'm gonna tell my boss I need a better work truck.
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Rite! I just wish my jk had the power the raptor has! My truck was red now is nasty ass brown. I'm actually a texas boy that just moved to cali about 6 years ago. From the texas - Oklahoma border. So where do you go in south texas to find some rocks?
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