Hello from Phoenix


New member
Hello all. Just bought my first Jk and new to the Phoenix area as well. So far loving both. The JK has a few mods already done. Cant wait to start my own. Its been a few years since I had a jeep. Been wanting another one for awhile but got into bikes for a little bit. Anyone here from Phoenix?
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Welcome from GA.

Bought my latest jeep in Tucson while living Albuquerque but now in GA. Used to live in Tucson. I miss it.
Welcome from Mesa! Im fairly new to the area too, still looking for a good place to hear about local trail announcements.
Welcome to WAL waving back from Hot Sunny Muggy South Florida.....but we love it hear....honestly we do
Welcome from gilbert, arizona. If you ever want to go wheeling just hit me up. We try to go out at least 2 times a month.
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