Hello form Long Island


New member
Just wanted to say Hello, I am new to the Jeep thing as is my family, My kids actually didnt beleive the whole Jeep wave until it started to happen all the time. I have a 2011 JK sport unlimited with Hardtop. I have only put a Bully Bar and 2 warn Wireless lights. Looking to learn a whole lot.
Welcome!!! We're on LI are you from? I am from plainview. Any way, you should check out the upcoming events thread there is a trip to rauch creek off road park in PA at the end of the month, and you can go stock!!!

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What's up fellow Long Islander!! If you are looking to learn some stuff this is the place! There is a good amount of experience out there on this forum. Welcome :beer:

Edit: Watch out for those Geese, right Napalm?
What's up fellow Long Islander!! If you are looking to learn some stuff this is the place! There is a good amount of experience out there on this forum. Welcome :beer:

Edit: Watch out for those Geese, right Napalm?

Don't jinx me. I almost hit another on the way to work this morning :cheesy:

Sent via carrier pigeon
Just wanted to say Hello, I am new to the Jeep thing as is my family, My kids actually didnt beleive the whole Jeep wave until it started to happen all the time. I have a 2011 JK sport unlimited with Hardtop. I have only put a Bully Bar and 2 warn Wireless lights. Looking to learn a whole lot.

Welcome Brother!!
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