Have you worked for free


We'll because of Obama care, I won't get paid until the government gets there act together..
Still gotta go though.. :(
I once got my MyPay hijacked and someone stole and spent my whole check before I could get it and DFAS couldn't do anything. ... I feel your pain

Sent from my phone while I should probably be getting work done
I have been working for free! Almost 4 months of my internship lol
I heard that they were trying to pass a bill that would have interns get payed. maybe another shut down on the way. and if the gov didnt have a bunch of :asshat:'s in it they would work together and have the obomacare work for everyone but no if you take a bunch of :asshat:'s and put them together you get a bunch of :asshat:'s that cant get there asses out. I guess thats the problem when all you do all day is sniff ass and make sure your wallet is lined properly. bunch af fucking :asshat:'s:D maybe that should have been on the venting thread this threads for you.lol :asshat:'s
I just hope they get their shit together because I have a trip to a national park planned and I am not about to cancel it.
I heard that they were trying to pass a bill that would have interns get payed. maybe another shut down on the way. and if the gov didnt have a bunch of :asshat:'s in it they would work together and have the obomacare work for everyone but no if you take a bunch of :asshat:'s and put them together you get a bunch of :asshat:'s that cant get there asses out. I guess thats the problem when all you do all day is sniff ass and make sure your wallet is lined properly. bunch af fucking :asshat:'s:D maybe that should have been on the venting thread this threads for you.lol :asshat:'s

I think you missed a few :asshat:'s :twocents:
I haven't worked for free but the company I work for is going to have to pay $200k more to the government to fund obamacare so the price for my health/dental n vision is going to go up and I get less money put into my 401k :thumbdown::(
There is an old Soviet adage, "As long as they pretend to pay us, we'll pretend to work". I've been finding it quite apropos since Monday.
Day three and now we have a car chase and gun fire... Maybe that will wake up those sorry politicians to get something done.
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