Hauling Ur jeep on a trailer


New member
So this weekend coming up I will be going to miller jeep trail with the guys and I will be putting my jeep on the trailer to get there my question is where is a save place to tie it down when it has stock bumpers? My old samurai I just wrapped the strap around the axle but with my jk not having sleeves and gussets I'm afraid of bending the axle any ideas?

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should be fine using your axles---only damage that could happen is if you didn't tie it down properly and you'll know if that happens...
I've tied many vehicles, including many JK's, by the axles. To me it is the best way to go. The Jeep rides on its own suspension which allows the trailer to ride nicer. You certainly will not hurt the axles this way. I prefer loop back straps and I run 4 straps parallel. X or parallel both have pro's and con's.
You won't bend the axle with tie downs, I will however say that you want to be very careful not to wrap the strap over a brake line or other important things. I had an fj40 that I had to thread the strap under the brake line every time as to not damage it.

05 Tj, long arm, one ton, lockers, winches, 39.5" Iroks
Look into a set of MAC'S straps. They even have them that go over the tires. There is a very impressive video from EJS 2013 of them picking a trailer up with a JK on it with just the straps. Held perfectly!
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