Grenaded T-case ??


Active Member
I have been pondering my method of hauling soooooo...

Has anyone here ever grenaded a tcase because their front driveshaft was not spining ?

I know a lot of the axle upgrades have the front hub lock to disengage the axleshafts.

I ask, as of course the owners manual says to not dolly tow your Jeep, I dolly tow mine all the time (rear shaft in ) and have never had an issue. 1000's of miles.
I see this as no different than unlock the front hubs. Pump runs off the main shaft in the tcase, so it's lubricatring while driving . Am I missing something the engineers are worried about , or is it for blanket statement with all Jeepo manuals for the KL bodies etc?

Side note .. the reason I dolly tow as I am not confident of the brake systems they sell for flat towing. Trying to stop a vehicle without vcacuum assist is near impossible and I have only seen one system that integrates the brake booster, plus I already had the dolly.
TrailBud here on the forum has grenaded his t-case but it was from the front shaft ceasing up. I have personally seen 2 others grenade or come close to it, essentially crack real bad too but none of them were from towing. That said, I personally would flat tow if needed and just because that's what I've always understood was correct.

I might reach out to Moochie as he flat tows his Jeep all the time and he might be able to help answer some questions for you.
I'm just not sure , I have never seen one come in with issues that were not from some other reason of damage> Like i was saying , how many are out there driving with the hubs unlocked in the upgraded axles with no issue, that to me essentially simulates dolly towing , would it not?

I may just be overthinking the whole thing.
Like this? At the time this happened I believed it was because of the front DS Cardan joint failing, but I had another Tcase crack and we caught it before it destroyed itself again. I'll never know if it was the cardan on this one, but the second time we traced it back to using the incorrect rear yoke nut on the Rubicon tcase. The nuts have different shoulder flanges and the nut from the sport case doesn't tighten fully so the yoke can vibrate slightly enough to cause a vibration.

TC 2.jpg
Like this? At the time this happened I believed it was because of the front DS Cardan joint failing, but I had another Tcase crack and we caught it before it destroyed itself again. I'll never know if it was the cardan on this one, but the second time we traced it back to using the incorrect rear yoke nut on the Rubicon tcase. The nuts have different shoulder flanges and the nut from the sport case doesn't tighten fully so the yoke can vibrate slightly enough to cause a vibration.

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a little JB weld on that , and you should be good to go. :ROFLMAO:
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