Goodyear or Bf Goodrich


New member
As I do all this research on On/Off tiers. I've come down to two I like. The Goodyear Duratrac and the BFgoodrich All-Terrian. The both have a lot of plus's and few negative. I would like to know anybody running either. And how do you feel.
I have Duratracs now and I've been very happy with them. I had the BFG ATs on my old TJ and they lasted FOREVER and were a good tire. That being said, I like how the Duratracs look better. They look more aggressive.
I've run both in similar size (33") but on different vehicles. Can't give you long term review of wear of the Goodyears because I sold my Jeep. In terms of performance, I felt the GYD's had the edge overall. Not sure how to explain it, but occasionally the GYD's felt soft on the street in turns like the sidewall rolled a bit. If I was choosing between the two again, I'd go GYD's because they seemed to clear mud a bit better and also handled better on snow/ice.
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