Gonna raptor line some stuff


New member
So I decided to pull the trigger today on a new compressor. I'm either getting the 6gallon porter oil free compressor or the 8gallon husky. Ill decide at Home Depot. They have a good deal on both due to Memorial Day sale.
That being said, I will be raptor lining my incoming evo corners and carrier. Matter of fact, I will be doing it to all future armor as well as my tub! Woohoo! Ill be sure to post pics on here to show results. I'm sure these little compressors will perform well.
I went with the 6 gallon porter cable compressor. It's oil less and it's super portable. Also, I got 3/8 inch hose for it. That should help a little. Now all I gotta do is wait for my parts to get here. Should be another 2 to 3 weeks, till then I'm gonna order the raptor liner, and might start prepping my tub.
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Here is a picture of my evo armor and carrier raptor lined with the air compressor that could. Came out great and I honestly could have done the whole interior of my tub with it. I will get more pics once the armor and carrier are installed. Next on the list is the jeep tub!
Looks great so far. I lined the inside of my 08 JKU. I'm sure the new owner is lovin it now. Want to do my 12 now. So much easier to keep clean, less hassle.
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