Gibson Dual Exit Muffler for sale with one off Gibson Tips


New member
I am selling my Gibson Muffler (should fit 07-12) I bought in December last year (about 10K miles). Sounds great looks great but going in a different direction. The tips were made by Gibson for me when I placed a call to the support line and told them I was building a black on black jeep an didn't like the chrome tips. They said they would make me some and did. It tool them about a month and they are super freaking nice. Heavy duty double walled and have their name stamped into the top. You will not find these on their site or catalog. I am looking for 75.00 and you pay shipping or 100.00 and I pay shipping I still have the chrome tips too.
Gibson Muffler.JPG
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Should we guess what year they are for ? Luckily we can see it's a 2 door by the pic. by your name.Also, you have funny looking balls ! LOL !
I added 2007-2012. It is axle back install so it is the muffler clamp and 4 tips 2 chrome and 2 black.
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