Genright Off Road JKU Full Cage Review and Pictures


New member
For this review I am going to discuss various aspects of the Genright Off Road JKU full roll cage. I ordered this cage back in June or July when it was first listed on their site for sale. This past weekend I finally got around to having someone weld it together for me so now its time to go over all the positives and negatives.


- Shipping time 1 out of 10:
When I first placed the order online, it was listed on their site as a “New Product” not as coming soon. So when I made the payment of $2500 I expected it to ship out relatively soon. Well after a week or so I called Genright only to find out that it wasn’t shipping for a few more weeks. Then after a few weeks I called and it was going to be another week. Then I called and they had them BUT they needed to fit one on their shop vehicle to make sure it fits. Then finally a few days later it shipped. So I was not very satisfied with how long it took and the fact they sold this before even test fitting it to see if it was ready to be sold. Luckily it fit and the product shipped to the house some 6 weeks or so after I paid for it.

-Directions 5 out of 10.
While all the pieces fit together very easy, the directions were mediocre at best. I consider myself to be a rather intuitive person, but figuring out what the directions where trying to get you to do was a huge pain in the ass. It was easier just looking at the diagram, and puzzling the brackets into their correct locations then trying to figure out the directions. Once I got all the brackets in place the installation was very simple, I just felt like the text and pictures provided were not adequate for a quick and easy install. There is also a bracket that goes on the B Pillar tube that the directions completely leave out. Again after having things in place I was able to figure out where it went but it should have been in the instructions. This bracket also had no part number listed in the bracket diagram but can be seen in the picture provided in the directions which helped in locating where it went.

-Labeling 3 out of 10:
While all the tubes were labeled correctly, several brackets, and the fittings had no part number listed or marked and no picture or part listing to compare them too. The part numbers on the tubes were extremely hard to find so I took each one and wrote the part numbers in permanent marker to make it easier to read and find. I would HIGHLY recommend doing this if you plan to install this cage yourself.

So those are about all the negatives I can think of, and in the grand scheme of things, not really that bad considering all the positives about this set up that I am about to list.


-Fitting parts on the vehicle 10 out of 10:
after getting all the brackets installed which was by far the most difficult, piecing the tubes together was a BREEZE! Everything fit almost to the millimeter. All you need to do is tack it all in place, and then pull it out to finish the welds and boom you are done!

-Quality 9 out of 10:
The tubes are super thick and way more durable than the stock cage. Now part of this cages durability is also based on the person welding the cage so it is important that whoever welds this thing together knows what they are doing. I hired a professional welder to weld mine and I have to say I was very impressed with his welds. Now obviously I haven’t rolled the Jeep and don’t plan to in order to test out the durability to ensure its durability, but based off the stock cage and the feel of what is in there now, I can safely say it’s a pretty SOLID cage.

-Looks 10 out of 10:
I absolutely love the look of this cage. It looks great and can still be used on a Jeep that is a daily driver (just have a couple tubes that should be left out). It can also still be used with the factory soft-top or hard top. I am going to figure out if there’s a way to get my trektop NX to work with it, so I’m not sure if that will work or not.

So overall there were a few issues that I wasn’t too happy with but after getting it finished and installed, I am pretty happy overall. I am sure I am leaving out a few details here and there, but again I am satisfied overall and would likely make the purchase again if I had to do it over again. Below are a few pictures of all the brackets and the cage after it was installed. It still needs to be pulled back out to clean up the welds, prepped, and painted so it is not completely done just yet.
if you look at the first picture it shows the A pillar bracket which was hands down the biggest PITA to install. everything else was fairly easy/simple.

also of note, there is another bar that is supposed to go behind the front seats with two support tubes going to the B pillar bracket, that is not pictured. I chose not to install because it limits the reclining of the front seats and prohibits the use of a car seat in the back.

LoPo just installed one too. Looks like he has some b-pillar bars that you left off. I like this cage and would probably install the same bars as you, minus the windshield "V".
LoPo just installed one too. Looks like he has some b-pillar bars that you left off. I like this cage and would probably install the same bars as you, minus the windshield "V".

the winshield V bars actually arent nearly as bad as they look. sitting in the driver seat it doesnt really obstruct your view that bad at all. guess you kinda gotta sit in the seat yourself to know what I mean, but its really not bad at all.

Is the A-pillar junction three bars welded together at a joint (windshield top, vertical A-pillar, and front door header)?
I am curious as to why you went full cage? Wouldn't it have been less expensive to do a sports cage and easier? Don't get me wrong, I'm not critiquing you, just wondering?

I personally like the "finished" look of a sports cage.
I believe this is what you are referring to...? if so then yes its a 3 bar junction. there is a vertical bar that attaches to the winshield bracket. the horizobtal top winshield bar. and the main rail that runs from the D pillar and attaches to the vertical A pillar bar. ImageUploadedByWAYALIFE1411351695.030522.jpg

excellent question and im glad you asked. for one, I liked the look. but secondly and more importantly, my Jeep was a salvage title and had an impact on the passenger side. the cage was damaged and then subsequently cut and rewelded by whoever "repaired" the Jeep. the result was a crooked stock cage that was off line by about 1 inch. not noticible to the eye or with a hard top on, but with a soft top, the door surrounds on the passenger side had a large gap resulting in water constanly dripping in during rain. so not only was the stock cage poorly repaired, i really didnt trust its structural integrity at all based on the extremely poor quality of repairs that were done.

I am curious as to why you went full cage? Wouldn't it have been less expensive to do a sports cage and easier? Don't get me wrong, I'm not critiquing you, just wondering?

I personally like the "finished" look of a sports cage.

originally wanted to get the Poison Spyder bolt in cage until I discovered the faulty stock cage repairs. (see above comment)

Is the A-pillar junction three bars welded together at a joint (windshield top, vertical A-pillar, and front door header)?

I took a picture of what I think you are referencing (see above comment). let me know if this answers your question.

I believe this is what you are referring to...? if so then yes its a 3 bar junction. there is a vertical bar that attaches to the winshield bracket. the horizobtal top winshield bar. and the main rail that runs from the D pillar and attaches to the vertical A pillar bar. View attachment 101503


Yep. Thanks. Just curious if it was three bar ends welded together. Looks like it is.
Yep. Thanks. Just curious if it was three bar ends welded together. Looks like it is.

the ends do not connect. the end of the vertical is welded to the winshield bracket. the end of the top winshield bar is welded to the side of the main rail. the main rail is welded to the side of the vertical winshield tube. no ends weld together as each end is notched and has a tab that slides into the female tab slot in its mating tube if that makes sense. its pretty much impossible to put a tube in the wrong spot because of this design and how it fits together.

I'm following. That's much better than a joint of three ends.

yeah there are no end to end connectinons like that. the main rails connect end to end but have a sleeve and a plug weld to connect them along with the tube that goes behind the drivers seat. with the inner sleeve and the welds its really not a weak point at all. I can take a picture of what im talking about if anyone wants to see what Im talking about.

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