FULL DISCLOSURE : YES - I do get "FREE" Stuff...


Staff member
On a very regular basis, I get people who hate on me because I get "free" stuff. Some just hate because they think I don't deserve it or think I haven't earned it and others hate because they think it's the only reason why I would recommend the products that I do. The later will also confuse my "opinion" as "trash talk" of parts and companies that I don't recommend because, you know, it's what they chose to buy and somehow, I actually wanted that crap too and couldn't get it for "free". And, I just want to state for the record, YES, I do in fact get stuff for "free". When you've been doing this Jeep thing as long as I have, you make a few friends in the industry and more times than not, they're all too happy to help you out. I should also note that I get offered "free" stuff all the time and from all sorts of companies. In fact, I just got the following one today from a company called AUXBEAM.


As you can see, they make LED lights and while they might make a good product and I COULD jump on this opportunity to get "free" stuff, I won't. Why you might ask? Because I would rather BUY what I know is a quality product and from a company that I like, KC. Same goes for tires, wheels, lift kits, bumpers or what have you. In spite of what some choose to believe, I will ONLY RUN what I truly think is truly the BEST. IF I can get it for "free", all the better but IF I have to buy it, I can assure you that I will. Fortunately, I am in a point in my life where I can afford it.

Anyway, that's my full disclosure and if it makes you feel better that I get everything for "free", please feel free to hate away. :cool:
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I say good for you! Not everyone is at the level where they get opportunities like that. Even fewer have the opportunity to turn it down because they don't believe in it.

Sounds to me like you have been doing things right.
I've known you quite a while now and it truly amazes me the number of attacks on your honesty and morality that you and Cindy have to endure. Maybe this "disclosure" is needed to quiet the jealous and mean spirited out there. There are "influencers" out there who blatantly flaunt their freebies and ask for more. You have never done that. I hope you never will. Don't let the trolls take you down. There are enough people who see through that and have your back.
If people hate becuase another company values your opinion enough to offer you products to test and evaluate free of charge, I say screw em.
More props to you for not taking random offers that your well aware aren't up to your standards.
People are morons! If you get free stuff it is a result of your hard work. Maybe the idiots that say things should work a little harder building a presence in the "Jeep" world and stop whining!
I've known you quite a while now and it truly amazes me the number of attacks on your honesty and morality that you and Cindy have to endure. Maybe this "disclosure" is needed to quiet the jealous and mean spirited out there. There are "influencers" out there who blatantly flaunt their freebies and ask for more. You have never done that. I hope you never will. Don't let the trolls take you down. There are enough people who see through that and have your back.
Thank you Tom. Cindy and I have always appreciated your friendship 😊
Always Honest! That's one of the things I've respected the most out of you and this forum.
If people hate becuase another company values your opinion enough to offer you products to test and evaluate free of charge, I say screw em.
More props to you for not taking random offers that your well aware aren't up to your standards.
People are morons! If you get free stuff it is a result of your hard work. Maybe the idiots that say things should work a little harder building a presence in the "Jeep" world and stop whining!
Thank you guys.
They are just jealous that they are not getting free stuff
LOL - for sure. And really, those guys aren't all that bad. The ones that really get me laughing are the ones who get all butthurt that I would say anything less than positive about what they've chosen to buy. Because clearly, I didn't get free stuff from that company LOL
Man, I really wish I kept more of the emails and DM's that I get all the time but here's a couple of other companies that have reached out to me with free stuff recently.

This first one, I actually was interested in and tried getting back to them but my emails kept getting bounced back. Oh well.


This one is from a company called Joytutus. They've sent several emails offering different free stuff to me but I politely let them know I wasn't interested.

I think if a reputable company chooses to give you something, you deserve it. You guys have been doing this a long time and it says a lot if a company with a good reputation and has been in business a long time wants to give you parts. We all have friends in one field or another who might be able to help us out somehow. It also says a lot when you choose to purchase what you want rather than take unknown parts like a lot of other people will do just because it’s free. I like how you guys work and I like your honest opinions. Thank you for your good work and being real.
They are just jealous that they are not getting free stuff
Oh yeah, that's all it is. What I don't get are the manufacturers that say the same shit. LOL
I think if a reputable company chooses to give you something, you deserve it. You guys have been doing this a long time and it says a lot if a company with a good reputation and has been in business a long time wants to give you parts. We all have friends in one field or another who might be able to help us out somehow. It also says a lot when you choose to purchase what you want rather than take unknown parts like a lot of other people will do just because it’s free. I like how you guys work and I like your honest opinions. Thank you for your good work and being real.
Thank you. I really do appreciate it. It's funny because I used to get free stuff from companies like TeraFlex. That is, until I refused to work with them because of what I considered to be inferior overseas products and to the point of them being dangerous. Of course, there are companies like Rock Krawler that I've gotten free stuff from before and gave positive reviews of what I thought was good and not so positive reviews of what I honestly thought wasn't so good. The owner is now one of my biggest haters. And then there's guys like Tom Woods who constantly shit talks me because I made posts about the failures I had seen in his chinese made u-joints. But of course, I only made those posts because he "wouldn't give me free stuff". It's just laughable.
Joytutu...I love the name. "It is thought that tutu derives from the word 'cucu', a French diminutive of 'cul' meaning 'buttocks'. This word started to be commonly used in English from the early 20th century onwards." I'm assuming tutu's used to be really, really short at one time...

Accepting free stuff in order to post glamorous reviews dilutes one's credibility...this is certainly not descriptive of you and Cindy...however, I heard Ripley is about to launch a new fashion line from Australia...
Joytutu...I love the name. "It is thought that tutu derives from the word 'cucu', a French diminutive of 'cul' meaning 'buttocks'. This word started to be commonly used in English from the early 20th century onwards." I'm assuming tutu's used to be really, really short at one time...

Accepting free stuff in order to post glamorous reviews dilutes one's credibility...this is certainly not descriptive of you and Cindy...however, I heard Ripley is about to launch a new fashion line from Australia...
Okay, now that's funny! :ROFLMAO:
Man, I really wish I kept more of the emails and DM's that I get all the time but here's a couple of other companies that have reached out to me with free stuff recently.

This first one, I actually was interested in and tried getting back to them but my emails kept getting bounced back. Oh well.

View attachment 363712

This one is from a company called Joytutus. They've sent several emails offering different free stuff to me but I politely let them know I wasn't interested.

View attachment 363713
lol , I got this same email a while back . but I don't think her name was Julia. and it was more of a wanting to have sex with me cause I am such a stud.......hmmmmmmm now that I think about it, it might be a scam, I will find out Friday when I meet up with her.
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