ft. hood/central Texas


New member
Anyone around the fort hood or central Texas area? Trying to find local owners who know the areas of roading spots

We are in hood... my husband is on deployment and i am about to leave for some training but july we should all be home! we need to hit the trails. We have only found a few trails. not many but there is alot of pretty driving heading out towards lampapas..... do you go to jeep night at pluckers?
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I'm new to the area and made it out there to pluckers this month... I met a lot of cool guys and got some helpful info about places to go around here but I think the majority of people agree that hidden falls is one of the better places to go
Hidden Falls definitely is the best choice. When I was stationed there though we would get fishing passes from the Sportsman Center and drive all over the areas they have on the map saying we were looking for fishing spots haha. I don;t know how much the ability to do that has changed in the last three years though.
I just left Hood not that long ago. As long as you have a range pass and some fishing gear on board and can bullshit well enough, you could get away with it. If not, it's a $500 fine. Yes, I almost got a $500 fine, that's how I know. Haha
Ya that's what I've been hearing but I've talked to quite a few guys that tried that and got F'd in the A and said its not worth it

This is from the monthly jeep night at pluckers in Killeen it's the first Thursday of every month I've attended 2 so far it's a good time and plenty of fellow jeepers to meet
My birthday is aug 2nd and its going to be the big 25! So I'm planning on going to the hidden falls offload park in marble falls TX and stating the night out there anyone in the area wana join?
Definitely check out Fort Hood's chapter from militaryjeepers.com if you are military or a veteran. We are very active and take atleast one monthly trip to different offroad parks all over the state!

Also, Fort Hood IS OFF LIMITS for wheeling and you WILL be ticketed, even if you pull the ol' "I was just going fishing card." They know.

You can help get Hood reopened to Jeeps though by signing this!


Does that second Jeep have the Hummer hood vents on it?:thinking:

its a stick on plastic thing made for jeeps
its for looks only
does not function as a vent (unless they went above and behond and cut their hood underneath
i saw one in a magazine
and yes it looks exactly like the hummer hood vent thing
not my style at all
but to each their own:idontknow:
Definitely check out Fort Hood's chapter from militaryjeepers.com if you are military or a veteran. We are very active and take atleast one monthly trip to different offroad parks all over the state!

Also, Fort Hood IS OFF LIMITS for wheeling and you WILL be ticketed, even if you pull the ol' "I was just going fishing card." They know.

You can help get Hood reopened to Jeeps though by signing this!



Signed by myself and my wife
I would agree that Hidden Falls is the best bet for any where local. Not too many places here on good or around that are worth while
I am going to try to go up to Hidden Falls this weekend. I don't mind the rain. But I don't like slop. some mud some dry is good with me. All wet gets a little tedious to run on.

I grew up in Killeen and live in San Antonio. I still go to Fort Hood around Mayberry park and wheel. Never seen an MP. Seen a couple of park rangers but they knew I was farting around and not doing anything bad so they were cool with me.

I hope I go. If anyone else wants to go.. I plan on getting there around opening.

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