FS Cobra 29 WX NW 40 Channel CB


Web Wheeler
Sold sold sold....


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Thanks for your help, but are you trying to be a dick, or does it come naturally? Not sure what your intent is posting this here.

If you read well, you can see the link you posted is for a DIFFERENT model.

Frank I take responsibility for this. Had I not been messing with you earlier he may not have posted this.
Frank I take responsibility for this. Had I not been messing with you earlier he may not have posted this.

Thanks Will, but you didn't have anything to do with it. Maybe I'm way out of line, but sure looks like he posted a similar model on some unfamiliar website for what reason? Hmmmm.
Thanks Will, but you didn't have anything to do with it. Maybe I'm way out of line, but sure looks like he posted a similar model on some unfamiliar website for what reason? Hmmmm.

I didn't get that either. The one in the link is more expensive than you're selling... So it's not to prove a point... Weird post...
I saw your advert while on the interweb. I would like to give you full asking price and will be paying with a cashiers check. I will arrange for my shipper to pick it up after check has cleared.
Well since my Christian Sister in Nigeria just informed me of a major windfall with the Nigerian Govt I was going to make a bid, just can't nail down when my check from them will show up!
Guess I lost out!
Thanks for your help, but are you trying to be a dick, or does it come naturally? Not sure what your intent is posting this here.

If you read well, you can see the link you posted is for a DIFFERENT model.

Sorry I was attempting to send the link on another conversation. Not very good with the smart phone yet.
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