You can level it or put it up higher etc. usually zip tie it level with frame. So it doesn't drop wheeling etc.
Ah got it understand now. Don't you just adjust them or get right length to were they connect or mate up.
The sway bar is 10 degrees higher than level or a 1 inch higher. I'm trying to figure out if it needs to be level. I've got a electric sway bar disconnect but my main goal is to eliminate less articulation.
If they are too high, you can flip them over with enough flex.
Hi Guys,
Stupid question but does the front sway bar need to be level or can it be raised?
You need your links to be long enough that they won't taco when at full flex. You need to cycle your suspension to find out the proper length.
It needs to be long enough it won't flip at full flex. If it sits high, then it sits high. Just looking at it won't tell you the length
When you mean flip at full flex your saying it wont flip on it's self. I was watching a video off the tube about Currie anti sway bar setups. The one video I saw said the front/ back sway bar needed to be level with the ground. Then I started to think about my sway bar which was not level with the ground its elevated. This clears it up and little....