flapping fenders


New member
I noticed my newly trimmed fenders flap while drive 40+. Im thinking about putting some type of glue in between the fender and substructure. Im curious if anyone here has done this or has a suggestion on what type/brand would work. It needs to stay put but be able be separated if I have to to put new clips on or fenders in the future etc
I had the same problem. First I tried some plastic epoxy but that didn't work for more than a day or two. I finally used some extra strength double sided 3M tape and worked like a charm. They haven't budged since! Trick is to clean the top of the substructure and the bottom of your fender. You'd be surprised how much crud is caked on under there. Hope that helps!
StrizzyChris said:
This is why I am wanting to trim mine while they remain on the vehicle. Is it that much harder to trim on than off?
It would be hard to get the cuts that are closer to the body, plus the sanding etc. also the flapping would still happen unless you were leaving alot on the front of the fender that rolls down along the grill even then I'm not sure Your going to get more rigidity from a on body trim it would be the the same result it would come down to what you trim off IMO.

@10frank9 the double sided tape seem like a great idea,thanks how long has this been holding up for you?
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as mentioned, cleaning the surface well with alcohol or other grease remover is key and will help make the bond good. i have seen some guys fasten the two together with a couple of strategically placed screws and it looked good.
as mentioned, cleaning the surface well with alcohol or other grease remover is key and will help make the bond good. i have seen some guys fasten the two together with a couple of strategically placed screws and it looked good. me, i can't hardly see my fenders and while they do flap a little, it's not enough for me to care.
Yeah I have to look up and over to see them. I think if left the way it is there will be some paint ware around to fender. But mostly I'm just OCD
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BTW the turtle wax super protectant did the the trick for my faded fenders :thumb: they look awesome and like new. I had to reapply after the next day I washed my my jeep but it was quick and easy to do...
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It's been well over six months and still solid with no flapping.

Strizzy, I found it easier to chop while the fenders were still on. This made it easier to see the lines when your taping, and with the fender liners still on made them alot more rigid while your cutting. Just my experience.
I cut mine with them attached to body. When I got close to the body I took a piece of cut fender and wedged it between the body and the fender and cut from the inside out. Oh and thanks to Eddie for the sweet write up. I finally got the balls to cut mine today. We had so much fun cutting my buddies we just kept on cutting on mine



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