Flag Pole Knob, Virginia


Token East Coast Guy
For those of you that are interested, I will be heading out to Flag Pole Knob to do a little exploring on December 31st. This will be an early morning run with a plan to be back on pavement by 9am. I plan on entering from US-33 on the north side of the mountain and leaving through the south side.

This gas station will be the meeting location so that everyone can be gassed up and ready to go by 6am. With any luck, we will be at the meadow by sunrise.

798 East Market Street
Harrisonburg, VA 22801

Nothing (other than a Jeep) is needed for this run because of how easy it is, although a CB makes keeping in contact easier.

If it ends up snowing out there I will have to cancel as my tires are terrible in the snow.
Im in, gonna be an early morning! But a great way to close out 2014. Lets hope for fair winds and a clear sky!
Bump to see if anyone else would like to join. Weather looks like it is going to cooperate.
I am thinking of making it to this ride

Great! We hope to see you there. And welcome to WOL! Please stop by the give us a wave in the "give us a wave" section and introduce yourself. :thumbup:
I am going to pass on this trip, I have some things to do around the house tomorrow. I'll be looking for other rides in the future.
From 81 take 33 west to the WV/VA state line, make a left. If you are not familiar with the area I highly recommend picking up a map. Delorme Gazetteer is good.
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