First official trail break.


New member
I got off the trail today, (just a cruise on a dirt road) and the sound of metal hitting metal could be heard from the rear passenger area. I got under and saw this....


So now I have to figure out how to fix it because I am a noob at all this stuff. Any advice would be great.
Looks to be just a rear shock mount bracket. I would think that you could pick that up at your dealer and should be a pretty strait forward install.
Sweet! It's just a busted bar pin. I don't think you can get one at a dealership but, you might be able to pick something up at an autoparts store. If not, you can contact the manufacturer of it and they might be able to help you out. Hell, I might even have an extra one that I can send you.
No worries. That's an easy enough fix. I'd go with something a little better than stock. Here is an example.pn_9603_alt1.jpg

Edit: or what they said. Lol. I got beat to the punch again. Anyway, if you are prone to breaking pins, I'd consider upgrading.
Yeah I read up on this and it seems easy. Thanks Eddie for the offer, I actually found one in the local 4WheelParts store and the salesman hooked it up for free. So I will be installing it tomorrow, hopefully no big issues arise.
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