Fiberglass... Carbon fiber hoods


New member
Hey everyone. I've seen some old write-ups but wonder if there's any current information on fiberglass or carbon fiber hoods. Pros and cons. Looking to vent and lighten up and paint to match the Jeep. Thanks guys and gals!
Hey everyone. I've seen some old write-ups but wonder if there's any current information on fiberglass or carbon fiber hoods. Pros and cons. Looking to vent and lighten up and paint to match the Jeep. Thanks guys and gals!

Carbon fiber hood on a Jeep?! Unless you're worried about bears falling out of trees onto your Jeep I'd ditch the carbon fiber idea. Beside being retarded expensive I don't know if anyone even makes one. I've seen a couple fiberglass hoods but the fit and finish was very *meh*. If anything why not look at a steel 10A hood. As much ridicule as Smittybilt gets here (and deservedly so) their 10A knockoff hood is pretty nice. Mine required a little work before paint but it came out pretty nice.
Awesome I'll check that out. The fiberglass idea seemed nice cause I could get the same look but it's way cheaper. Just wasn't sure on the quality of them.

These were interesting

Only one review on the one CF hood and its not good - none of the holes lined up on both of the hoods the reviewer got. It's that cheap for a reason. AEV has hood(s) as well. Not sure if they are fiberglass tho.
Honestly, as small as these hoods are you're only gonna save 20 pounds or so I would imagine? I'd personally look for durability on one of these things. If someone drops or slams a fiberglass hood accidentally you're probably looking at a repair. :twocents:
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