Fender Chop Trying to Keep Factory Lines


New member
Been up in the air about what to do with my new Jeep. I like the factory fender lines I am not to big on the flat fender look. I have been thinking about the new MOPAR fenders but I don't really love the lines of those either and they are around $700. So I decided to hack up my fenders but try to retain the lines as best I could.

Before Picture

Measuring off 1.25 inches to take off.

Making the cuts

Cutting the fender supports

Sanding down the fenders to give it a somewhere finished look

Heated the fender liners, made some stress relief cuts, reattached the liners to the fenders using glue. you can barely tell we cut them.

Finished look.

Added the 35s

Clearance after 35s



I now need to do the backs but im still deciding on the lines. In the front I was able to smoothly keep the width of the front of the fender. I dont know how good that will look in the back. But i like how the fenders meets up to the bumper. We will see =)
That is a great look for the fronts. The lines meet up with the front bumper perfectly. Looks great! It looks like the backs match the fronts pretty well. Maybe no trim needed on the backs? Love the color too! Anvil rocks!!!!
Hmmm, those lines look really good. I might have to copy them. Thanks for posting this up. :thumbup:
Looks great, I wish jeep would sell fenders without side markers so we could keep more of the factory line.
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