Factory bumper take off solution

Dune Crawler

New member
While installing my new bumper I had to remove my existing factory bumper and found that you can use your lug wrench that you use to fix flat tires with to speed up the process.
1) more handle to grip
2) deep socket
3) hands not so beat up
While installing my new bumper I had to remove my existing factory bumper and found that you can use your lug wrench that you use to fix flat tires with to speed up the process.
1) more handle to grip
2) deep socket
3) hands not so beat up

Which bolts or nuts did you use your lug wrench on? Unless I'm mistaken, the lugs nuts on a JK are 19mm or 3/4" where as the main bumper bolts are 18mm up front and a few 16mm in the rear. I suppose the lug wrench being a 6-point will allow you to still use it on 18mm but, you would run the risk of rounding the corners.
Which bolts or nuts did you use your lug wrench on? Unless I'm mistaken, the lugs nuts on a JK are 19mm or 3/4" where as the main bumper bolts are 18mm up front and a few 16mm in the rear. I suppose the lug wrench being a 6-point will allow you to still use it on 18mm but, you would run the risk of rounding the corners.

Def right Eddie, just went out to check and it's a 18mm guessing by the wiggle room inside the wrench.
Def right Eddie, just went out to check and it's a 18mm guessing by the wiggle room inside the wrench.

Again, the lug wrench is a 6-point so it'll work and if in a pinch, what I might have used as well. But, if you can get the right size, it'll at least prevent possible damage to the nuts. Of course, most aftermarket bumpers use new hardware and more times than not, they have 3/4" heads. :yup:
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