I don't buy into "hype" with anything I spend my hard earned $ on. If you look around all of the forums, you'll actually find "hype" on every other product, except EVO. Giant sales, bogos, entire forums spouting "most popular lift" setups is a lot more "hype" than showing products in action is.
What you'll find here is that a bunch of us have run those products, Synergy, Rock Krawler, AEV, Metalcloak, and were unhappy with them in some way. Dust boots that always fall off, bad geometry, forging cracks in the arm ends, geo brackets that only work for singular scenarios, and innovative ideas that aren't backed by durability or real world testing are something we just weren't willing to settle on.
Some like myself have spent thousands changing out the same parts multiple times until we bit the $ bullet and tried something by EVO, or Currie, or a few other limited manufacturers. Once you find something that meets or exceeds your expectations, you buy more of it. All the other brands are slowly working there way off of Beast at the speed I can afford to change them based on something I don't like about them. I carefully budget each purchase for what it will offer me. Does that sound like "hype", or trial and error OP? Spend your $ how you want. If you're smarter than I was, you'll spend it once.