I have asked the same question. In fact this is the set up Eddie is running on Rubicat.
This is what was recommended to me, http://www.offroadevolution.com/store/proddetail.php?prod=EVO-DD-LONGARM. This is the complete kit but you can get just the long arm kit. You will also need the Drag Link Flip, http://www.offroadevolution.com/store/proddetail.php?prod=EVO-DRAGLINKFLIP along with longer brake lines.
Does this kit include their high clearance brackets? Thanks for the help
This is the high clearance I am hoping to run. http://www.offroadevolution.com/store/proddetail.php?prod=EVO-LONGARM-UPGRADE
Are you going to have us install it?
If the answer is yes, they you can run the high clearance set up with the bolt on Coilovers. :yup:
You don't need to buy longer brake lines. They come with the bolt on coilovers. Also the draglink flip kit isn't needed, it's recommended but you don't have to run one.