Evo skids how can I get the sound to stop!!!!!


New member
I just purchased some skids from off road evolution got everything bolted in, but not I hear the exhaust vibrating against the skid that is bolted to the cross member . I tried putting washers to give it some space, but to no avail I can still hear it HELP PLEASE LOL!!

Sent from my SCH-I605 using WAYALIFE mobile app
Huh, I just got done a few hours ago installing my Evo protek skid system. I have not noticed any thing that sounds strange.
Is your crossover pipe hitting the tranny skid at any point?
If properly installed it should not be hitting anything on the exhaust.

Some how (A very long work week and not enough sleep) I got messed up on the directions and did something really stupid. I jacked up the transfer case a bit too high on one side and let the stud come out of the slotted side. it was a real pain to get it to go back in. That's why Eddie said "You DO NOT want to raise it so high that the mounting plate clears the mounting studs."
I guess what I am saying is it is kind of easy to make a mistake. Just go back and re check every thing. :thinking:
Take a few photos from various angles and lets see if we can find the problem.
I had this happen with the Evo skids, but only because I smashed that skid a bit so it was contacting the exhaust. Took me a while to figure it out, would only make the noise in reverse when the Jeep was cold. The Jeep dealer actually figured it out during service and bent it back for me. Hasn't been a problem since. Not sure why it would be making noise if you haven't bent it though.

Here's what mine sounded like:

I went and read your linked post. I agree with that kind of looking like a weak spot, as it kind of sticks out there. Man you wacked it a good one too.
I had thought that when and if I get mine all scratched up good I will do some modifying of my own.

No slam to Evo either. I went and looked at every skid system out there. I was really concerned about how much heat the skid's could be holding in.
I really like the way that the tranny skid goes under the exhaust and kind of shields the trans from heat. I cant believe that heat would not damage the trans fluid being so close to the crossover from the factory.
No worries now, its like a skid and a heat shield in one.

These are some beefy skids and look like they will do the job.
Not sure what year you have, but the same thing happened on my 08. I ended up cutting a long piece near the cross member out to give the exhaust more room. I used a cut-off wheel to cut the piece. I originally tried to use spacers, but that didn't work.

Sent from my MB860 using WAYALIFE mobile app
I just purchased some skids from off road evolution got everything bolted in, but not I hear the exhaust vibrating against the skid that is bolted to the cross member . I tried putting washers to give it some space, but to no avail I can still hear it HELP PLEASE LOL!!

Sent from my SCH-I605 using WAYALIFE mobile app

As I had I explained to you by PM, your exhaust spacers is what's causing your problem. The better solution would be to get rid of the spacers and just install a new u-joint style drive shaft.
As I had I explained to you by PM, your exhaust spacers is what's causing your problem. The better solution would be to get rid of the spacers and just install a new u-joint style drive shaft.

I'm glad you posted this. I was scratching my head on how this was happening. He failed to mention the exhaust spacer in the op.
Thanks guys I'm gonna get right on it.....REELS ARE WHAT I'M GONNA USE

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