EVO Rear Track Bar Bracket Question

Over the weekend I laid out all my parts for my upcoming lift install and I realized that the rear track bar bracket that came with the lift can't be used. It uses the driver's side LCA bolt hole and I have the EVO Rock Star Skids. The EVO skids shift the bracket to the passenger side and cause the locating hole on the old mount to be off. Sure I could cut, grind and weld and make it work, but I don't really want to open that can of worms. Instead I think I'm just going to buy a mount that doesn't use the LCA as a mounting point.

I have narrowed my choices to the Synergy and EVO mounts. Synergy states that their track bar mount is moved up 4" but I can't find anything to tell me how much the EVO one is raised. I want to move this up as high as possible to fight any possible under-steer. (While I don't mind the ass-end getting loose, the wife hates it.)

So, does anyone know or can they measure how much the EVO bracket raises the track bar mount?
I have it on mine and wud say around 3" but I still don't understand what you mean about the lower control arm cuz the bracket does not mount to the control arm it's mounts over the stock track bar bracket and uses the sway bar link hole

I don't always wheel , but when I do I keep it tight......... Stay dirty my friends.
I have it on mine and wud say around 3" but I still don't understand what you mean about the lower control arm cuz the bracket does not mount to the control arm it's mounts over the stock track bar bracket and uses the sway bar link hole

I don't always wheel , but when I do I keep it tight......... Stay dirty my friends.

he probably has a mc rear trac bar mount and doesn't work since he has evo rockstar skids is my guess
Call Evo they will tell you exactly what you want to know they are open

Fair enough.... They weren't open when I actually started this post, but I've been busy at work today and they had opened by the time I finished :crazyeyes:

I have it on mine and wud say around 3" but I still don't understand what you mean about the lower control arm cuz the bracket does not mount to the control arm it's mounts over the stock track bar bracket and uses the sway bar link hole

I think you've misunderstood my situation. I am looking at the EVO bracket because it doesn't bolt to the LCA mount. However, the one that came with my kit does and will not work without a lot of modification.
Fair enough.... They weren't open when I actually started this post, but I've been busy at work today and they had opened by the time I finished :crazyeyes:

I think you've misunderstood my situation. I am looking at the EVO bracket because it doesn't bolt to the LCA mount. However, the one that came with my kit does and will not work without a lot of modification.

Sorry about that now I see what you meant

I don't always wheel , but when I do I keep it tight......... Stay dirty my friends.
either one should be fine. pretty much the same price. pretty sure evo uses the same one for 3" and 4" kits.

Yea, I know they are pretty much the same but I will be going with which ever moves it up the most. The MC bracket moves the mount up 6" which will level out the track bar once the 3.5" lift is on. I just didn't notice the bolt location @ the LCA before ordering.

To be honest I'm a little peeved about this being an issue as I called and spoke with Matson at Metalcloak directly about possible issues with the EVO RS skids and he only mentioned ones with the rear anti-sway bar and links.

I called EVO and the the person that answered the phone didn't know but she said she will have someone call me..... :thumb:
Yea, I know they are pretty much the same but I will be going with which ever moves it up the most. The MC bracket moves the mount up 6" which will level out the track bar once the 3.5" lift is on. I just didn't notice the bolt location @ the LCA before ordering.

To be honest I'm a little peeved about this being an issue as I called and spoke with Matson at Metalcloak directly about possible issues with the EVO RS skids and he only mentioned ones with the rear anti-sway bar and links.

I called EVO and the the person that answered the phone didn't know but she said she will have someone call me..... :thumb:

wow, 6" is a lot. weren't people having clearance issues with those tall mounts? seems like that's a bit much for a 3.5" lift, I'm not too familiar with mc, is the reason so high so the trac bar will sit level at ride height?
wow, 6" is a lot. weren't people having clearance issues with those tall mounts? seems like that's a bit much for a 3.5" lift, I'm not too familiar with mc, is the reason so high so the trac bar will sit level at ride height?

I'm not familiar with MC either :naw: ;) I've read a bunch of positive reviews on their stuff and thought I would give their system a try. I buy into some of what they are selling and I'm not so sure about other aspects. I rode in a Jeep that had a full game-changer and liked the way it performed and handled on the trail enough to give it a try. (Well kinda, I'm not doing a full Game-Changer. They are too proud of the six-packs for me to justify "testing".) I agree with Eddie's view that many have a hard time knocking a system that they put a bunch of money in. I assure you this is not a problem I have so I will update what I like and don't like with the utmost transparency.

In the case of the rear track bar mount: Yes, their goal is to level the track bar. To provide the most up-travel and down-travel without overly shifting the rear axle off center. This also adds under-steer which they feel the JK needs. (I'm not so sure.) Since the stock bar sits at a slight angle they have to raise it up to level and then add the lift amount. This ends up being 6". I'm not sure on the clearance issues. It seems like it would cause up-travel issues but they claim it doesn't. I will never know as the EVO RS skids are already in place and I like them too much to let them go.

BTW: Their website has tons of pictures of their "old" mount which didn't raise it as much, but only a few of the new. I was only aware of the new higher mount from reading on other forums and a phone conversation with Will at MC to confirm.
I think you've misunderstood my situation. I am looking at the EVO bracket because it doesn't bolt to the LCA mount. However, the one that came with my kit does and will not work without a lot of modification.

you can actually make the one that came in your kit work without any modification. my teraflex rear trackbar mounts to the shock mount and i run the rock star skids. all i did was get a bolt that was 1.5" longer then the stock bolt to ensure i have enough threads.
you can actually make the one that came in your kit work without any modification. my teraflex rear trackbar mounts to the shock mount and i run the rock star skids. all i did was get a bolt that was 1.5" longer then the stock bolt to ensure i have enough threads.

I would also need to slot or elongate the hole that is used in the old track bar connecting location and Will @ MC couldn't confirm if the bar would adjust in the 3/16" to 1/4" that it would need to. (I can't imagine it wouldn't but it made me nervous not knowing for sure.) I don't want to get into the install and then be in a pinch. Plus if I don't alter the bracket I'm hoping I can sell it.

But good point/idea thank you!
I went with the evo, installing today, since the teraflex bracket also uses that hole. I ended up cutting that section off for a quick fix when installing my rockstars. sure it wasnt ideal, but was temporary and help up to a day of wheeling yesterday. Not sure how much the evo bracket raises the bar tho.
Drew just called me back and said that it raises it about 3 1/2" FWIW: I told him my situation and why I was curious and he thinks the 6" raise of the MC bracket is entirely too high.

I will reiterate as I have in other threads. I am not a suspension expert, only a gatherer of information. I try to take in a large amount of information to learn and make decisions off the greater consensus. It seems the greater consensus for the MC bracket is that it is this is too high...
I also found this that I was considering...


After some digging and a phone call I learned that the highest raise is 4 3/4" above stock and the lowest is 2".
I know we talked about this already, but if you have any more questions, please feel free and give me a call.

and I just measured one and it is 4.5" high than factory.
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Drew just called me back and said that it raises it about 3 1/2" FWIW: I told him my situation and why I was curious and he thinks the 6" raise of the MC bracket is entirely too high.

I will reiterate as I have in other threads. I am not a suspension expert, only a gatherer of information. I try to take in a large amount of information to learn and make decisions off the greater consensus. It seems the greater consensus for the MC bracket is that it is this is too high...

sometimes companies say or make things to be different, throwing names like game changer, mega flex, mid arm, and other things to try and set them apart. customers become a "beta tester" for their products and things get changed. regular short arm, coil lifts aren't really rocket surgery either. throw in long arm and coil overs and i have zero experience. but short arm stuff is pretty basic. companies like to throw stuff that confuses people. my current favorite is "geo brackets" like aev ones.
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