I don't think the high clearance kit is exclusive to the evo lever system, but rather it is required for the evo lever. So you could run it with bolt on CO's or with traditional shocks and springs. This my understanding, but I may be wrong
drew@offroadevolution said:this is correct. you can run it either way with the LCG Bolt-On system
This answers a lot of my questions. I do like the idea of high clearance for the trails but can anyone tell me is there a big difference on the road between the two. I guess it's because the bolt on arms lay more level than the high clearance.
drew@offroadevolution said:the "standard" mount location long arm is going to give you a little better "on highway" ride vs. the high clearance location.
Do the standard mount locations hang lower than the stock mounts? It's hard to tell by the pictures.
Jkzinger said:They are more forward in front of the tire so I have noticed mine getting hung up on the mounts more than they did stock. I am going to have EVO install the high clearance brackets next spring.
One more question and I think I'll be done. With the high clearance do you use the raised brackets on the rear axel or can you use the stock brackets.