Epic Snow = Big Time Flooding


Staff member
Thanks to the epic amount of snow we got this winter, BIG time flooding is coming our way. Had to go down to Gardnerville this morning and while the Carson River wasn't flowing over 395 (yet), it was already right at the base of the bridge.

The surrounding area was all under water too.

Over the weekend, we took a drive out to Fallon and the Carson Sink was quickly becoming Carson Lake once again too.

I also just saw these pics posted up by the Yerington Public Works Department.

And, this is just the start. For those of you who live in the low lying areas around here, I hope you, your family and property stays safe.
I was wondering when the river was going to flood down there, much more water to come
Oh yeah, if it's anything like 2017, it's gonna get worse before it gets better. Driving past the Lahontan Reservoir over the weekend, it was almost empty but only because they've been letting out a ton of water in preparation of what's to come.
Oh yeah, if it's anything like 2017, it's gonna get worse before it gets better. Driving past the Lahontan Reservoir over the weekend, it was almost empty but only because they've been letting out a ton of water in preparation of what's to come.
‘97/‘98 was brutal due to a Pineapple Express. I lost everything I owned (had it in a storage unit by the airport while I was in Chile.)
Just read an article about Tulare lake and how its expected to rise to over 720k acres feet of water and potentially cover an area larger than lake Tahoe. Don't try to outsmart mother nature when it comes to water. It's always a losing battle.
Just read an article about Tulare lake and how its expected to rise to over 720k acres feet of water and potentially cover an area larger than lake Tahoe. Don't try to outsmart mother nature when it comes to water. It's always a losing battle.
Houseboats! They are supposed to offer tax advantages as well.
Just read an article about Tulare lake and how its expected to rise to over 720k acres feet of water and potentially cover an area larger than lake Tahoe. Don't try to outsmart mother nature when it comes to water. It's always a losing battle.
That’s insane! Right now it’s at 103,000 that translates to 161 square miles. Gonna take a while for all of that to get gone.
I know the gate to Bald Mountain is still more than four feet deep in snow so the big flooding hasn’t even started yet, as bad as it is now.
Driving up to Boise from Henderson today…the tiny crystal clear Salmon Falls Creek near Jackpot was as high (and muddy)…saw small lakes of water everywhere where usually there were none…Snake River was in decent shape though…
Water has crested the banks of the Carson River...


The West Fork Walker River is roaring!



East Fork Walker River

Mason Valley flooding




And, I'm pretty sure this is just the start.
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