Ello. Ello, from 10,00 feet up...

Dick Knife

New member
Just joined Wayalife today and have had my JKUR for a little over two months and 3,000 miles and loving it! :clap2:
I've already skidded it up, awaiting a few more items to be delivered in anticipation of Moab the 2nd week of April! :rock:
Welcome to Wayalife Dick Knife. I don't even want to ask about the screen name.... Lol

What color is your JKUR?
Welcome....but I have to say the screen name makes me cringe:grayno: do not like the thought of that.
Thank you all for the warm welcome despite my name! :standing wave:

Gettin her ready for Moab the 2nd week of April.
I'll say what no one else will....no real welcome till you explain the name. :)

Otherwise, "Welcome, sortof!"

j/k. Welcome aboard!

Sent from a a few tin cans and some string.
So maybe I came across rude.... My apologies.

So, explain the name? :)

Sent from a a few tin cans and some string.
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