Eddie, the way you interact with people on here - you would've gotten you fired


Edit*** You seriously moved this whole thing to make it look like I started a thread against Eddie??? You guys are hilarious! I freaking LOVE IT!! Because moving here doesn't take this whole thread out of context AT ALL. Genius!

I get that mistakes happen sometimes. I feel like you did the right thing, offering a refund. He asked for the decals to just be sent, which I feel is also fair.

I don't get the point of you posting this up though. It's like those dog shaming photos you see everywhere. I get being upset, concerning his response to you, because that was a little bit out there...but this issue is between you, the owner, and him, your customer.

Seems a little childish to post this up, after you reached a resolution with him.

I've been in and out of these forums and a WAL fan for years. Whether it was following some great builds, searching for solutions for little issues here and there, or watching the amazing JK Experience and other off-road videos. Sometimes, it's like this site is reminiscent of an old western movie. What is there to gain from dragging this guy out into the street? For everyone to see you set an example? "Have an issue, or don't agree with something...let's see what the entire forum thinks"

Like the previous people stated, for those who understand all you and Cindy do for this group and how you two keep it running smooth...think this guys reaction to a minor slip up is ridiculous. The ones who don't get that...don't matter. So there's no need to publicly shame this guy. Unless you just like publicly shaming people.

Originally posted here:
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I get that mistakes happen sometimes. I feel like you did the right thing, offering a refund. He asked for the decals to just be sent, which I feel is also fair.

I don't get the point of you posting this up though. It's like those dog shaming photos you see everywhere. I get being upset, concerning his response to you, because that was a little bit out there...but this issue is between you, the owner, and him, your customer.

Seems a little childish/vindictive to post this up, after you reached a resolution with him.

I've been in and out of these forums and a WAL fan for years. Whether it was following some great builds, searching for solutions for little issues here and there, or watching the amazing JK Experience and other off-road videos. But now that I've made the attempt to be more active on the forums, I see a lot crazy stuff. It's like this site is reminiscent of an old western movie. What is there to gain from dragging him out into the street? For everyone to see you set an example? "Have an issue, or don't agree with something...let's see what the entire forum thinks"

Like the previous people stated, for those who understand all you and Cindy do for this group and how you two keep it running smooth...think this kind of reaction to a minor slip up is ridiculous. The ones who don't get that...don't matter. So there's no need to publicly shame this guy. Unless you just like publicly shaming people.

Sent from my iPhone using WAYALIFE mobile app

Did you not read what he posted?!? He did this as an informative post letting everyone know that if a mistake is made, it wasn't meant, and he is sorry. He just used this Slade douchebag as an example where a mistake was made and the guy was an asshole about it.
I get that mistakes happen sometimes. I feel like you did the right thing, offering a refund. He asked for the decals to just be sent, which I feel is also fair.

You'll forgive me but I didn't "offer" anything. If you took the time to read, you'd know that I "gave" him a refund but apparently, that wasn't what he wanted. When I accidentally left out .50¢, he accused me of being "shoddy".

I don't get the point of you posting this up though. It's like those dog shaming photos you see everywhere. I get being upset, concerning his response to you, because that was a little bit out there...but this issue is between you, the owner, and him, your customer.

Nobody is asking you to get the point. Since you seemed to have missed it, this is my home on the internet. I pay for it to exist so that people like you can use it for free and I can do what I want on it. Don't like it, start up your own forum and run it however you'd prefer.

Seems a little childish/vindictive to post this up, after you reached a resolution with him.

LOL!! Seems a little childish for you to post this up. You make it sound as this Garnett guy and I had actually agreed to something.

I've been in and out of these forums and a WAL fan for years. Whether it was following some great builds, searching for solutions for little issues here and there, or watching the amazing JK Experience and other off-road videos. But now that I've made the attempt to be more active on the forums, I see a lot crazy stuff.

Funny, for a guy who's been following us for years, I'm surprised that you just now are seeing "a lot of crazy stuff". It's almost as if you wouldn't have been able to see any of this if you hadn't become "more active". :rolleyes2:

It's like this site is reminiscent of an old western movie. What is there to gain from dragging him out into the street? For everyone to see you set an example? "Have an issue, or don't agree with something...let's see what the entire forum thinks"

Well, we did make a video called "WILD WILD WEST" once. Look pal, don't like what you see, do everyone a favor and spend more of your time on a forum that feels more reminiscent of a chick flick.

Like the previous people stated, for those who understand all you and Cindy do for this group and how you two keep it running smooth...think this kind of reaction to a minor slip up is ridiculous. The ones who don't get that...don't matter. So there's no need to publicly shame this guy. Unless you just like publicly shaming people.

LOL!! Right, you mean kind of like how you feel the need to preach at me or should I say, "publicly shame" me with your self-righteousness.

Thanks for playing.
Did you not read what he posted?!? He did this as an informative post letting everyone know that if a mistake is made, it wasn't meant, and he is sorry. He just used this Slade douchebag as an example where a mistake was made and the guy was an asshole about it.

Read what I said?


I remember when you sent me two windshield decals, I emailed and PM'ed you and you got back with me within the day and said your bad just keep the extra decal. Seemed like a cool thing to do to me.

Like I was trying to say in my post, I try hard not to but I do make mistakes. For that, I do apologize.
Did you not read what he posted?!? He did this as an informative post letting everyone know that if a mistake is made, it wasn't meant, and he is sorry. He just used this Slade douchebag as an example where a mistake was made and the guy was an asshole about it.

I got that part. You're missing the part where it's unnecessary to publicly shame him. He could have just stated he had recently had an incident with a customer not receiving part of his order, and the customer didn't take it well....and then make his informative post. We all understand that mistakes aren't meant to happen...hence "mistake". Also, you seemed to miss that I said those who can't rationalize that mistakes happen (and getting a no questions asked refund), do not matter. Making this post moot. Unless he was just out to publicly shame the dude. Dudes a douche, I get it, I agree. But that doesn't justify a similar over the top reaction.

Sent from my iPhone using WAYALIFE mobile app
I got that part. You're missing the part where it's unnecessary to publicly shame him. He could have just stated he had recently had an incident with a customer not receiving part of his order, and the customer didn't take it well....and then make his informative post. We all understand that mistakes aren't meant to happen...hence "mistake". Also, you seemed to miss that I said those who can't rationalize that mistakes happen (and getting a no questions asked refund), do not matter. Making this post moot. Unless he was just out to publicly shame the dude. Dudes a douche, I get it, I agree. But that doesn't justify a similar over the top reaction.

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He can run this place however he sees fit, it's his show. One thing I love about this place is the transparency. If he wants to post something like that up, he can. Even if it offends the faint of heart such as yourself. Perks of being the owner of the forum.
I got that part. You're missing the part where it's unnecessary to publicly shame him. He could have just stated he had recently had an incident with a customer not receiving part of his order, and the customer didn't take it well....and then make his informative post. We all understand that mistakes aren't meant to happen...hence "mistake". Also, you seemed to miss that I said those who can't rationalize that mistakes happen (and getting a no questions asked refund), do not matter. Making this post moot. Unless he was just out to publicly shame the dude. Dudes a douche, I get it, I agree. But that doesn't justify a similar over the top reaction.

I got that part but of course, when it comes to you, things are different. You could have just sent me a PM about how all this offends you but then, you wouldn't have gotten a chance to post up your self-righteous over the top reaction and for all to see.
I got that part. You're missing the part where it's unnecessary to publicly shame him. He could have just stated he had recently had an incident with a customer not receiving part of his order, and the customer didn't take it well....and then make his informative post. We all understand that mistakes aren't meant to happen...hence "mistake". Also, you seemed to miss that I said those who can't rationalize that mistakes happen (and getting a no questions asked refund), do not matter. Making this post moot. Unless he was just out to publicly shame the dude. Dudes a douche, I get it, I agree. But that doesn't justify a similar over the top reaction.

Sent from my iPhone using WAYALIFE mobile app

Your screen name rubbed me the wrong way from your first post. It may not mean anything or being you're in GA it may mean how I took it. I could have PM'd you to tell you this but I honestly don't think you'll care. Just like we don't really care about your perspective and opinion. That's the greatest thing about this country. Freedom of speech, no matter how hurtful, distasteful, left, or right it is. In other places he'd have been drug out in the street and shot for his message. Just saying.
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Eddie, I've stood up for you on numerous forums for people bashing you about being petty, because I had never witnessed it and seen nothing but the exact opposite from you. Like I said I normally came on here to check out build threads and DIY fixes. I guess that's why I haven't seen a lot crazy stuff on here before now.

Also man, offered/gave....whatever you wanna call it. You're just trying to nitpick now. If I told you I had a homeless man approach me and I offered to buy him dinner, what would you assume? That I walked away or I did it? You're being semantical.

All I was saying was that if you think it's ok to treat your customers/forum members, and people who've been following this group for years like this...I disagree. I don't think it's professional.

Look Eddie, I love this group and its members. What I don't like is this petty stuff. You call him out for bitching about $0.50, so you post up this whole thing to bitch about him bitching about $0.50. I see this a great organization and a great group of people who share a passion, and want to have a good time. Not bitch about crap and flame people on the internet. Which is what this post seemed set out to do, and accomplished.

Thanks for leading.

Sent from my iPhone using WAYALIFE mobile app
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Why do people who are douches have to be protected? Oh wait, I just remembered this is the internet and you can't offend anyone unless your ready to be tough behind your keyboard. Seems to me that he called him out partly because he isn't afraid one way or another nor does he care if that guys gets offended and leaves. I could be wrong but I see this as his was of apologizing for random mistakes and showing that he does his best to make it right, while some people think he is a corporation it's far from it. I think Eddie has mentioned before that he still cares about things like integrity and respect, but hey what do I know I'm just a scrawny little guy with big fingers to type with

Sent from my iPad using WAYALIFE mobile app
I got that part. You're missing the part where it's unnecessary to publicly shame him. He could have just stated he had recently had an incident with a customer not receiving part of his order, and the customer didn't take it well....and then make his informative post. We all understand that mistakes aren't meant to happen...hence "mistake". Also, you seemed to miss that I said those who can't rationalize that mistakes happen (and getting a no questions asked refund), do not matter. Making this post moot. Unless he was just out to publicly shame the dude. Dudes a douche, I get it, I agree. But that doesn't justify a similar over the top reaction.

Sent from my iPhone using WAYALIFE mobile app

I don't see it as retaliation. The guy got his buttpussy hurt over fucking stickers and .50 cents...
Everyone makes mistakes once in a while, Eddie admitted that, tried to make amends, but the guy wasn't having it. What this clearly shows is integrity on eddies part. It shows good faith on Eddies part. And with the hate this guy is sending out, it's good for him to clear the air in a transparent way. I'm sure this guy will try to go out of his way to defame Eddie so I think the air is cleared with him posting this.
I'll be ordering stickers tonight. Something I should have done long ago but just haven't gotten around to it. Integrity and honesty go a long way with me and I would be honored to do business with you.

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See that's what's wrong with society today, so many people get so offended and bent out of shape... About what? About fifty cents or about how someone else runs thier own business. If someone wants to publicly "shame" someone else... They just might deserve it but again heaven forbid someone get called out on being inconsiderate or petty. Or someone run their own business as they see fit.

Sent from my LG-LS997 using WAYALIFE mobile app
Plus the guy tells Eddy he didn't get his order, when told it shipped all of a sudden it becomes - yeah, got one but not the rest about 4 days ago. Where's the integrity there? Oh, by the way I did get part of my order now that you mention it....
Eddie can take offense to this guy's reaction and flame him. No else can be offended and post about it though.

As has been made apparent by his responses to me, just saying this wasn't necessary, and everyone else taking offense to my post...it's just a different viewpoint that you don't like.

"I'm protecting him". Really? My friends should hate me then...since I called him a douche too and said he was overreacting. But that's protecting him. Got it. See what fits your narrative and nothing else.

Sent from my iPhone using WAYALIFE mobile app
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Eddie, I've stood up for you on numerous forums for people bashing you about being petty, because I had never witnessed it and seen nothing but the exact opposite from you. Like I said I normally came on here to check out build threads and DIY fixes. I guess that's why I haven't seen a lot crazy stuff on here before now.

Also man, offered/gave w/e you wanna call it. You're just trying to nitpick now. If I told you I had a homeless man approach me and I offered to by him dinner, what would you assume? That I walked away or I did it? You're being semantical.

"It's mine and I'll do what I want!" There's the childish again.
Yeah you pay for the forum. Without the people, the fans, the members, there wouldn't be a forum. All I was saying was that if you think it's ok to treat/mouth off to your customers/forum members, and people who've been following this group for years, because it's yours and you can do w/e you want....Then don't bash people who say or do things you don't like. They're just following your example. Maybe that's why I came off childish in your eyes. I learned from the boss man.

Look pal, I love this group and its members. What I don't like is this petty stuff. You call him out for bitching about $0.50, so you post up this whole thing to bitch about him bitching about $0.50. I see this a great org of people who share a passion, and want to have a good time. Not bitch about crap and flame people on the internet. Which is what this post set out to do, and accomplished.

Thanks for leading.

Sent from my iPhone using WAYALIFE mobile app

I guess if a leader of yours was to jump off a cliff you would follow suit? Please....
He was very cordial up until the prick called him shoddy. I would have taken that personal myself. But hey man if you feel the need to defend an asshole go right ahead... I am pretty tired of seeing people think they can be shitty to someone and get away with it just because they think they are entitled to some kind of back bending service. Visit a foreign country and you would be surprised at the response or lack there of when you act the way that guy did.

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My apologies if you think a mistake I made makes me a little "shoddy"

Your screen name rubbed me the wrong way from your first post. It may not mean anything or being you're in GA it may mean how I took it. I could have PM'd you to tell you this but I honestly don't think you'll care. Just like we don't really care about your perspective and opinion. That's the greatest thing about this country. Freedom of speech, no matter how hurtful, distasteful, left, or right it is. In other places he'd have been drug out in the street and shot for his message. Just saying.

I would have loved for you to PM me. I could have told you that it's where my family is from, the Isle of Wight. And I'm a guy. But you assume that because I live in GA, and you can draw some strange relation (the color is spelled white btw) that I must be racist. Got it. Lol

It's ok though I get it. Game of thrones uses the same spelling for their Wight Walkers. Meaning undead monster, and I take offense to that relation as well haha

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Like you have an opinion on the matter others are allowed to have an opinion on your post, and I never said YOU were protecting him, but YOU are standing up for him not being "publicly shamed" whether you think he is a douche or not is now irrelevant. I was making a statement that people shouldn't have to be protected if they want to be an asshole, stand up, be a man and take it when someone blasts you for it. But like you said I'll just keep seeing my narrative cause it's my narrative

Sent from my iPad using WAYALIFE mobile app
Eddie, I've stood up for you on numerous forums for people bashing you about being petty, because I had never witnessed it and seen nothing but the exact opposite from you.

:cheesy: Well, if you say you've stood up for me on numerous forums for people bashing me, it must be true. I had never witnessed it but I am seeing the exact opposite from you here and now.

Like I said I normally came on here to check out build threads and DIY fixes. I guess that's why I haven't seen a lot crazy stuff on here before now.

Well, perhaps you should spend more of your time checking out build threads and DIY fixes instead of preaching at me with all your crazy stuff now.

Also man, offered/gave w/e you wanna call it. You're just trying to nitpick now. If I told you I had a homeless man approach me and I offered to by him dinner, what would you assume? That I walked away or I did it? You're being semantical.

Right, kind of like you just got done telling me how "you've stood up for me on numerous forums for people bashing me". Whatever am I to assume. Clearly, semantics.

"It's mine and I'll do what I want!"

But, this forum is mine just like my house is mine and my Jeeps are mine. I paid for them and I will do what I want with all of them.

There's the childish again.

And there's the childish again from you.

Yeah you pay for the forum. Without the people, the fans, the members, there wouldn't be a forum.

:cheesy: You make it sound like I created my forum to be some kind of popularity contest. Sorry pal, Cindy and I created this forum for ourselves. Again, this is OUR home on the internet and guys like you are guests that get to use it for free. We are glad that so many people enjoy the write-ups we've written, the videos we've posted and the help we offer and we love the fun we have with everyone but you're kidding yourself if you really think I'd loose any sleep if a guy like you weren't here.

All I was saying was that if you think it's ok to treat/mouth off to your customers/forum members, and people who've been following this group for years, because it's yours and you can do w/e you want....Then don't bash people who say or do things you don't like.

Funny, I don't recall "mouthing off" to anyone I will say that if you don't like the way I treat customers/forum members, and people who've been following WAYALIFE for years, nobody is making you stay. This forum is mine and you are a guest using it on my dime. I don't ever recall asking you to be here and I won't miss you if you leave.

They're just following your example. Maybe that's why I came off childish in your eyes. I learned from the boss man.

Just calling it like I see it boss. Don't like what you hear, you probably should think more carefully about the things you say.

Look pal, I love this group and its members. I see this a great org of people who share a passion, and want to have a good time. Not bitch about crap and flame people on the internet. Which is what this post set out to do, and accomplished.

Look pal, I couldn't care less what you love. The people here at WAYALIFE are great and many are people I'm proud to call my friend. You want to have a good time here, don't be such a self-righteous bitch - something you're being and accomplishing well.

Thanks for leading.

I guess if a leader of yours was to jump off a cliff you would follow suit? Please....
He was very cordial up until the prick called him shoddy. I would have taken that personal myself. But hey man if you feel the need to defend an asshole go right ahead... I am pretty tired of seeing people think they can be shitty to someone and get away with it just because they think they are entitled to some kind of back bending service. Visit a foreign country and you would be surprised at the response or lack there of when you act the way that guy did.

I agree, I said that the way he handled the situation was very fair. He offered to refund the guy instantly, no questions asked. That's great! I just don't see the point in putting this one dude on blast....on the entire forum. That was my only issue. I could care less about this guy, but I'm sick of seeing this crap everywhere. Eddie got butthurt that someone called him names, so he posted it online to flame him. If all Eddie wanted to do was acknowledge that "Hey, we're human....we mess up from time to time" it would've received the same response as his post apologizing for the forums being down a few days ago. "No need to apologize.....we're all thankful for all you do for this community"....etc... But the post followed this (prior to mine) were things like "that guys a dick", "he's special", "don't let the bastards get you down". Most the people responded....targeting this douche who couldn't be appeased. Who needs this sort of negative crap in their lives? Why bring negativity onto this forum?

That was what I was getting it...since I apparently didn't make that clear. I apologize if it came out any other way. Eddie, I'm sorry you took my response as an affront to you, it wasn't intended to get under your skin or illicit the response you felt was warranted towards me. I just said I don't understand the need to flame him, if all you truly cared about was saying, If we've screwed up an order for any WAL'ers, sorry.
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