Dwindling MPG's? Ain't nobody got time for that!

I have a 2008 2dr X. Was burning oil at a similar rate (mother trucker) and I started using 5qts synthetic and a bottle of Lucas synthetic oil additive and have significantly reduced oil consumption.
Yeah, I'll bet it's dirty as sin after not cleaning it for so long.

I think it makes a big difference. My MPGs were going down for a while. When I pulled the filter it was dripping dust without even smacking it. Engine runs much smoother and I'm getting significantly better mileage.
what weight oil are you running that it's burning so much? I have a 2010, at about 63k miles I noticed I was burning oil faster than usual, switched to Mobile1 5w20 at and i'm now at 92k+ miles and it seems to be much better now, just checked it recently and oil level is still good - approx. 4k miles since last change.

dirty air filter will suck the life out of your mileage, I'm starting to run a dry filter in my CAI only because it's a PIA to deal with an oil filter,
I know I've harassed you with this, but this is an appropriate place to post this....1395548086892.jpg
In full disclosure though, that was the same day I reset the computer in the morning. This was in August, after not resetting since April.1395548252131.jpg and is typical of my summer average. Currently, after beating on it and playing in the mud on winter gas blends, I sit at a lowly 18.4! Only good thing about them 3.21's!

Sent from my SCH-I535 using WAYALIFE mobile app
what weight oil are you running that it's burning so much? I have a 2010, at about 63k miles I noticed I was burning oil faster than usual, switched to Mobile1 5w20 at and i'm now at 92k+ miles and it seems to be much better now, just checked it recently and oil level is still good - approx. 4k miles since last change.

dirty air filter will suck the life out of your mileage, I'm starting to run a dry filter in my CAI only because it's a PIA to deal with an oil filter,

What's up with your date stamp? 12/31/1969....Humm....do you have a flux capasitor in your jeep....that would be a cool mod. :confused:
Sent from my SCH-I535 using WAYALIFE mobile app
Heck I would love to see 15 little lone 22. I'm running 33 and 3.21 gears and get about 11-12 mpg

Sent from the business end of my jeep
Well, that 14.8 was short lived. :(

I now seem to be holding steady between 13.2 - 13.5.

Though I'm certainly not complaining after coming from 10.2!!
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Warm weather = better miles per gallon. The fuel condenses in the cold and MPGs are always reduced...even within the same tank of gas.

Sent from my SCH-I535 using WAYALIFE mobile app
Clean your maf on your intake it gets dirty and starts sending wrong air fuel to the ecu. And reset the the battery like someone else said should reset the ecu and correct the problem.
Clean your maf on your intake it gets dirty and starts sending wrong air fuel to the ecu. And reset the the battery like someone else said should reset the ecu and correct the problem.

Good advice. I'll check that out in the morning.
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