Driveshaft nuts??


New member
Installing a 3 inch lift and coast 1310 front drive shaft but I don't remember if I have to buy new nuts for the yoke on the transfer case and axle or not
some recommend new because of the high torque, I used new up front and the shop reused the rear.
I couldn't break the rear loose so had to take it to local shop and had them replace pinion seal as well, best $100 spent
Installing a 3 inch lift and coast 1310 front drive shaft but I don't remember if I have to buy new nuts for the yoke on the transfer case and axle or not

Someone I regarded at the time as knowing what he was talking about (don't remember who it was but might have been the owner of Coast) told me that the big nuts that hold the yokes on the shafts at the transfer case and diff are supposed to be single use. When I installed a new Coast 1310 front shaft I did use new nuts on both yokes but no threadlocker. Got them from a Jeep dealer, cost about $25 for the 2 of them as I recall. The alternative is to put thread locker on the old nuts and reuse them. I believe I saw write ups that said to use red loctite, but if I was going to use threadlocker I would use blue loctite, the red stuff might make it real hard to get the nut back off if that became necessary.
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