Drivers windshield wiper not working

Looking for any advice. A month ago my sister asked to borrow the ladder of mine, so I threw it up on the jeep and tied off the front with Tie-Downs to the fenders I have. They ended up coming down on the corners of the windshield. On the way there accidentally hit the wipers when going for the blinker and the driver side wiper clipped the Tie-Down and it literally quit working. It's ONLY the driver side wiper, the passenger side is still working. I'm going to take the cowl off tonight if it's not a fuse but wanted to see if anyone had any recommendations. I know there's only one motor for both? so it couldn't be the gears as the passenger side is still working? :thinking:
can't tell for the jk that's what happened to a car I worked on. The arms just popped out, it's an easy fix if that is the problem. Just remove the cowl like you said.
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