When off-roaders travel from good distances I imagine they keep their doors and tops on. What or rather where do they leave their tops and doors when wanting to run the trail naked. The jeep that is. Thoughts?
Yeah I have factory half doors so I either just take the Windows off and throw them in the back of I will just leave them at home. Same with my doors if we decide to run doorless I'll just leave them at home. As far as tops get a soft top then you can always put it down whenever you want!
Doors & top come off in Mar/April depending on weather and go back on in October. I run a bikini top & half doors for spring & summer. If the trail is 500+ miles I usually tow, less than that I enjoy the wind in my face!
^^This^^. Unfortunately I've been lazy and haven't taken them off yet. Last year I drove front Apple Valley to Truckee naked. A few thunderstorms and some warm and chilly temps made it all the better...haha. I did learn one thing. Keep a roll of paper towels in a plastic bag somewhere in the jeep. That way you can wipe out the inside of the windshield. The wipers only work on the outside..